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Staver And Barber Liken Ben Carson To A Nazi Doctor

A few weeks ago, amid the ongoing smear campaign falsely alleging that Planned Parenthood profits off the illegal sale of body parts from aborted fetuses, it was revealed(link is external) that GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson had done medical research using tissue from aborted fetuses in the past.

Carson defended the practice but his explanation didn't make much sense(link is external) and it certainly has not convinced Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver or Matt Barber, who likened Carson to a Nazi doctor on their "Faith and Freedom" radio program today(link is external).

While never mentioning Carson by name, Staver and Barber made it clear that they do not buy his "convoluted" defense, with Staver saying that "any of the research on these aborted babies is immoral, unethical, and contributes to the abortion practice," and so "there is no way that you can legitimately defend that practice."

Barber agreed, saying, "During the Nuremberg trials with Nazi Germany, there were some doctors that were placed on trial ... As he was on trial and kind of trying to rationalize the atrocities that he took part in, he basically said, 'Well, as long as they were torturing and killing these Jewish people anyway, it would be stupid not to take their body parts and to do medical research on them.' That's exactly what this Republican candidate, by the way, said relative to the research on these aborted children. There is no difference."