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Staver: Obama Is Turning America Into An Enemy Of God By Failing To Support Israel

For the last several weeks, Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver has been warning that President Obama is bringing a curse(link is external) upon America by supposedly being insufficiently supportive of the state of Israel. With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set to deliver a speech(link is external) to Congress tomorrow despite White House objections, Staver has stepped up his efforts, penning a piece(link is external) today in which he accuses Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry of seeking the "destruction of the Jewish state" and warns that America is becoming an enemy of God:

Barack Obama obviously does not understand the potential fallout from his administration’s dangerous actions. The Bible says that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – Israel’s omnipotent defender – takes very seriously all attempts to harm His people, the Jews. In the book of Joel, we read that God will ultimately judge the nations that try to divide the land of Israel – something the Obama White House has consistently proposed. And Zechariah 12:9 plainly says, “I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”

Recently, Jewish rabbis, representing the Committee to Save the Land and People of Israel, rightly called the Obama administration’s actions “a declaration of war against the Creator and Ruler of the universe.” But, as the rabbis point out, it’s not Israel that will ultimately pay the price; it’s the enemies of God.

Liberty Counsel holds that America has been blessed by God because our national policy has been favorable toward the nation of Israel since its founding in 1948. If we allow the Obama administration to subvert this policy, a price will be paid!

I don’t want this nation, which was founded as one nation under God, to become the enemy of God’s people.

The Scriptures tell us to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem." There has never been a time when we needed to do this more! The Holy City is under threat from hostile neighbors next door and others like Iran, with its potential for nuclear missiles, just a thousand miles away. At a time when our President and Secretary of State should be doing all they can to support Israel, Barack Obama and John Kerry are aiding Israel’s and America’s enemies instead!

For good measure, Matt Barber warned on a recent episode of Liberty Counsel's "Faith and Freedom" radio show(link is external) that Obama's failure to support Israel means that he is "an enemy within" and "the greatest threat to American national security that we face":