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Ted Cruz To Drop By The American Family Association For A Chat While Campaigning In Tupelo

Tomorrow morning, Sen. Ted Cruz will be in Tupelo, Mississippi(link is external), for a presidential campaign rally, which just so happens to be where the headquarters of the American Family Association(link is external), a viciously anti-gay hate group(link is external) and the home of some(link is external) of the most bigoted(link is external) voices(link is external) on Religious Right radio today, is located.

Naturally, Cruz will be stopping by the AFA while he is in town for an in-person radio interview with AFA president Tim Wildmon, who is the sort of reasonable person(link is external) who reacted to the Supreme Court's gay marriage ruling by calling it "a spiritual 9/11(link is external)."

As Bryan Fischer explained on his American Family Radio program today(link is external), Cruz will be sitting down with Wildmon in-studio for an interview(link is external) at approximately 10:30 a.m. local time tomorrow morning ... an offer that Fischer made clear was likewise open to any GOP presidential candidate who is willing to stop by the AFA headquarters: