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Theodore Shoebat: Execute Gays And Gay-Accepting Christians

For the last few months, we have been reporting on the film “Light Wins(link is external),” a bizarre anti-gay “documentary” featuring Republican presidential candidates Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee, several GOP congressmen and dozens of Religious Right activists.

The film’s creator and star, right-wing conspiracy theorist Janet Porter(link is external), also decided to include in her film Theodore Shoebat, a viciously anti-gay activist whom she filmed asking bakeries to make a cake for inscribed with anti-gay messages.

Shoebat is no ordinary conservative activist, as he has previously called for the execution of gay people(link is external), a message he reiterated in a column this week(link is external). Shoebat also repeated his call for people who accept gays and lesbians to be killed as well.

Get rid of the fag flag and burn it into oblivion!

Today, many love to say that if people are indulging in what they want to do, “and as long as they are not hurting anyone and doing it in the privacy of their own homes,” then they are completely fine with it, no matter how evil or deviant. This is especially true when it comes to any debate over homosexuality, or disordered beliefs. They hold that no law should be made against the acts, even though they are a danger to society, because they consider it a private pleasure.

Many claiming Christians will express their support for the sodomites, and they many times will bring up the “love of Christ” to vindicate their support for them. Let us remind such people that no where [sic] in Scripture is evil tolerated simply because it does not physically or directly harm someone, or because it is private. In fact, Christianity is so much against allowing private deviancy, that it says that those who “approve of those who practice them” are “worthy of death” (Romans 1:32).

This means that opinions expressed in favor for homosexuality and other deviancies (such as cannibalism), are worthy of capital punishment. This purely illustrates that Christianity is so much against the license to do evil — even if it is done in private — that it prohibits any approval of it. For those who disapprove, let them read the words of St. Isidore where he said that law “is composed of no private advantage, but for the common benefit of the citizens.” (Isidore, Etymologiae, 5.21, in Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae 90, article 2) Let them read St. Thomas where he says that “Law must therefore attend especially to the ordering of things toward blessedness.” (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae 90, article 2)

And so the natural affections are to be upheld, protected, and honored by the state, and anything that comes against it, let it be uprooted and cut off like cancer, for such is against the common good. Let the woman who “exchanged the natural use for what is against nature” and the man who left “the natural use of the woman,” (Romans 1:26-27) “be put to death.” (Leviticus 20:13)

Homosexuality needs to be treated as sedition against the people. What is a people? A people, as St. Augustine defines one, is not to mean “any indiscriminate multitude, but an assembly of those united by agreement as to what is right and by a common interest.” Therefore, sedition is not just against the government itself, but against the collective and common morals and precepts by which a community is united. As St. Thomas says, “sedition is opposed to justice and the common good.” (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, IIa IIae 64, article 2)

Since homosexuality is against the sacrament of marriage, which is the building block of society, then it is against the common good, and the very Faith of our civilization, and thus is an enemy to the Christian people and should be treated as sedition. Let the heretics who believe in such license read where St. Paul refers to these sodomites as “deserving of death,” and also those who “approve of those who practice them” (Romans 1:32), and let them dare say that homosexuality should be allowed in a Christian society.

This is why the sodomites must be rooted out, for such is what God commands, and failure to do so leads only to spiritual, and then ultimately, to societal anarchy.

Notice how people frequently say that such and such a perversion is not done by everyone. They use the minority participation in a crime to somehow make the warning against it benign. A small step is a great fall, and a little leaven spoils the whole batch; if we allow such wickedness to be done in incriminates, then they will soon be done in great numbers. Crush the eggs of the baby serpents before they hatch. The sodomite, the atheist, the fanatic feminist, the Muslim — all such must be deemed as criminals and enemies to civilization, for they war against the Faith, promote death and hate life.

They should be told to leave their wicked ways under coercion, and if that does not work, then death and strong suppression is the only solution. We cannot allow someone the freedom to do evil, for this will only increase the presence of darkness in the society, and it will become an internal enemy.