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Theodore Shoebat Wants Blasphemers Burned At The Stake To Prevent Cannibalism

Radical right-wing activist Theodore Shoebat posted a video(link is external) yesterday once again(link is external) railing against the evils of Hinduism and calling for those who commit blasphemy against Christianity to be burned at the stake in order to prevent society from slipping into cannibalism.

After declaring that European nations need to invade and re-colonize India and forcibly convert all Hindus to Christianity, Shoebat declared that individuals who carry out "vehement" or "vindictive" attacks against Christianity or sacred Christian symbols ought to be arrested by the state and burned at the stake.

"That stuff cannot be tolerated," he explained(link is external), "because as soon as you allow attacks on Christianity to be enabled and to thrive, then the Christian spirit begins to decay, it begins to decline and all sorts of moral evils take place like public acts of sodomy, public acts of desecration and degenerate behavior and murder. It just spirals and it goes on and on and pretty soon you have cannibalism, pretty soon you have bestiality and pedophilia."