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Trump Delivers His Uniquely Christian Message to Liberty U

For some truly inexplicable reason, Donald Trump was invited to be the Convocation speaker(link is external) at Liberty University yesterday where he delivered a typically self-aggrandizing and buffoonish message(link is external) that was superficially about the importance of God and his Christian but was really about self-promotion and the importance of always getting even with your enemies.

At one point, Trump weighed in(link is external) on the subject of the Middle East as he declared that any president "with some brain power" would have agreed to help the rebels in Libya only after getting them to agree to give the United States fifty percent of the nation's oil. In fact that same policy should has applied toward Iraq as well, Trump said, since the US was also entitled to that nation's oil because "to the victor belong the spoils." Yet despite the fact that we go in and "decimate a country," Trump said, we leave with nothing, prompting him to declare that "the way this country is being run is horrible": 

Then after another twenty minutes or so of incoherent self-absorbed rambling, Trump finally got around to delivering his uniquely Christian message(link is external) to the students at Liberty University: "Don't let people take advantage; get even!"