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The Unforeseen Consequences Of Legalizing Gay Marriage? Glenn Beck And The Dilemma Of The Gay Bulls

While the Religious Right's dire predictions about what would happen in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling striking down anti-gay state marriage amendments last year have not come true(link is external), one possible consequence that nobody could have foreseen is now vexing Glenn Beck.

As Beck explained on his radio program today(link is external), he recently received a call from those who run his ranch in Idaho letting him know that his bull seems to have started a relationship with a bull owned by a neighbor.

Beck said that they had been forced to artificially inseminate many of the cows on his ranch because the bull that he owns has not been interested in mating with any of them and they couldn't figure out why. It turns out that a bull from a neighboring property has been escaping its pen and making its way onto Beck's property and the two bulls have now, as Beck put it, "become very close" and are regularly "enjoying each other's company."

"I don't know if they're going with the times or what," Beck quoted the person who runs his ranch as saying. "In all my years of doing this, I have never seen this before, but yes, they're [gay]."

This is creating a bit of a dilemma for Beck, who half-jokingly wondered if he is going to be sued for getting rid of this gay bull because it is not doing its job of impregnating his cows: