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What Happened to Glenn Beck's Scoop That Was Going to Rock the Nation?

Yesterday, Glenn Beck promised to break news(link is external) within the next 24 hours that was going to rock the nation and, given the vague and cryptic way in which he spoke about it, it seemed to involve information obtained from a whistleblower that had the to potential "take down pretty much the whole power structure."

The 24 hour window has come and gone and the only news Beck's The Blaze has reported on today is that 70 House Republicans are preparing to revolt(link is external) against comprehensive immigration reform legislation ... and judging by his radio broadcast from today(link is external), this was the big news that he promised yesterday:

There was literally no mention on his program today of a whistleblower or any information that will take down the entire system ... so did Beck's promise of news that would rock the nation yesterday have nothing to do with this supposed whistleblower? 

Was he talking about this immigration revolt the entire time and we simply got confused, thinking that he was promising a whistleblower? Because his whistleblower claims followed directly on the heels of his promise to rock the world with shocking news, so it seemed logical that this was what he was talking about.

But judging by his radio program today, it seems that the immigration revolt is the earth-shattering news that Beck was teasing yesterday.

What happened to his whistleblower?  Is that still under development? 

We genuinely have no idea what is going on.

Here is the full segment(link is external) from which we clipped the video yesterday - Beck's cryptic promise certainly seemed to be directly related to the statements regarding the whistleblower to us:

UPDATE: On Twitter, Glenn Beck clarified(link is external) that these two stories were, in fact, unrelated(link is external). We apologize for the mistake: