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WND Columnist: Make The Quran Illegal

The far-right outlet WorldNetDaily, which regularly pushes conspiracy theories about President Obama and gay rights advocates plotting to eliminate religious freedom and criminalize Christianity, today published(link is external) a column calling on the government to prosecute anyone reading passages from the Quran that could “constitute criminal incitement to murder.”

Lord Christopher Monckton today calls on Congress to pass a bill making it illegal to read passages of the Quran calling for the death of non-believers, which(link is external) appear(link is external) in(link is external) the(link is external) Hebrew Bible(link is external) as well.

Craven public authorities have failed to act against the circulation of the Quran in its present form because they fear a violent backlash.

How, then, is this manifestly illegal text to be dealt with? It is not our custom to ban books, for freedom of speech is guaranteed by the Constitution.

However, it is our custom to prosecute for incitement to murder. And the fact that incitement is on every page of what is said to be a holy book does not diminish, still less extinguish, the offense.

A bill should be brought before Congress identifying all passages in the Quran which, whether in isolation or taken together, constitute incitement to murder.

The bill should specify that anyone who reads any of these passages out loud is to be charged with that crime and, if convicted, subjected to the usual penalty for it – a long prison term.

The bill should state that, after a grace period of a year, every copy of the Quran must clearly identify by emboldened and different-colored text the passages that constitute criminal incitement to murder, together with a clearly printed warning on the first page that reading any of these passages out loud anywhere within the jurisdiction of the United States may result in prosecution.

The prominent part played by the Quran in the radicalization of young Muslims so that they become willing to murder their own fellow-citizens demands that we act at once, before its dangerous influence incites the loss of any more innocent lives. The Quran as it now stands is illegal.