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World Congress of Families In Denial Over Promoting Homophobia Globally

This is the second in a series of posts(link is external) about the upcoming World Congress of Families in Salt Lake City, Utah. Read our introduction to the World Congress of Families here(link is external).

The World Congress of Families has been stung by intense(link is external) criticism(link is external) over its promotion of anti-gay bias and policies around the world, and has mounted a public relations campaign portraying itself as interested in civil discourse and uninterested in slamming gay people. If only it were true.

WCF Executive Director Janet Shaw Crouse has said(link is external) the group’s support for traditional notions of family “does not mean disrespect for anyone else.” Crouse says, “We do not and will not engage in ‘gay-bashing’ or ‘hate’ language." In its 2014 “Call for Civic Dialogue”(link is external) WCF said:

In its history, the WCF has never taken a position for or against anti-sodomy laws, nor has it attempted to roll back the rights gained by these individuals and organizations…. The WCF never has and never will advocate for any policy that brings harm to innocent individuals….

These assertions are grossly disingenuous and deceptive. WCF depends on, and celebrates, its association with what it calls “exemplary”(link is external) anti-gay(link is external) groups like the Family Research Council(link is external), American Family Association(link is external), Alliance Defending Freedom(link is external), and many others who aggressively resist the advance of LGBT equality in the U.S. and overseas -- and promote policies that most definitely bring harm to innocent individuals. For example, WCF and its allies played a significant role(link is external) in organizing(link is external) the stridently anti-gay(link is external) “pro-family” movement in Russia. And not taking a position on laws that subject LGBT people to long jail terms and worse is hardly something to brag about.  

WCF’s “civil dialogue” claim is laughable on its face, especially given that the group is providing a speaking platform to Rafael Cruz(link is external), who has no policy expertise to share but has gained folk-hero status on the Religious Right with outlandishly inflammatory attacks on LGBT people and other political opponents. Cruz, father to presidential candidate Ted Cruz, called it “appalling(link is external)” that a gay woman could win elected office, said that Satan controls the U.S. government(link is external) and that the devil was responsible for(link is external) the with Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling. He has repeatedly(link is external) lied about religious freedom, claiming that the government will force churches to hire homosexual pastors(link is external) and perform homosexual marriages. Cruz has suggested that President Obama is intent on seizing Americans’ guns because, like Stalin and Mao, Obama is pursuing a totalitarian government(link is external) – and that the American left is out to do away with the entire Bill of Rights(link is external).

Sadly, Cruz is not an outlier. WCF and the speakers it provides with a platform have a long record of resisting protections for the rights of LGBT people. Last year WCF initiated a letter(link is external) signed by 120 Religious Right figures from around the world in “vigorous protest” of the U.S. Embassy’s participation in a gay pride celebration in the Czech Republic. It refers(link is external) to marriage equality as a “pseudo-right” that debases human freedom and dignity. The letter concludes, “We can not imagine a worse form of cultural imperialism than Washington trying to force approval of the ‘gay’ agenda on societies with traditional values.”

More to the point, WCF’s own Africa regional director, Theresa Okafor, who is being honored(link is external) at the event, supported a harsh anti-gay law in Nigeria that not only provides for long jail sentences for gay sex, but also bans gay people from meeting in groups. Okafor has suggested that pro-equality groups from the west are allied with the violent Islamist Boko Haram in a conspiracy to silence Christians.

WCF Executive Director Crouse has her own track record. She has said children being raised by gay couples are being “used as guinea pigs.”(link is external) She has praised Russia’s anti-gay right, saying approvingly(link is external), “I wouldn’t bet on the Russians capitulating to western LGBTIQ fascists without a fight.” At a 2013 Howard Center press conference, Crouse said American gay-rights activists are “turning into thugs who are destroying freedom of speech, destroying religious liberty.” She praised(link is external) anti-gay activists in France, Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, and Nigeria. And while Crouse portrays American gays as enemies of free speech, she enthusiastically backed(link is external) the prosecution(link is external) and jailing of Pussy Riot activists over their anti-Putin protest in a Moscow cathedral.

Among other anti-gay speakers who will be given a platform at WCF:

  • Peter Sprigg(link is external) represents the stridently anti-gay Family Research Council(link is external), whose leader Tony Perkins once defended(link is external) Uganda’s notorious “kill the gays” bill as an effort to uphold morality. Sprigg, who once said he would like to “export(link is external)” homosexuals from the U.S., complained this year about Randy Berry, Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBT Persons, for traveling to Uganda and Jamaica. Sprigg criticized(link is external) the Obama administration for trying to “force this American-style homosexual agenda down the throats of other countries” like Uganda, “which is one of the countries that has been most bitterly attacked by homosexual activists around the world.”
  • Robert Knight(link is external), a Religious Right pundit and former FRC staffer, has argued(link is external) that judges who rule in favor of marriage equality should be impeached.
  • Brian Brown(link is external) of the National Organization for Marriage(link is external) has not only pushed for anti-equality legislation in the U.S., he has supported anti-gay efforts globally(link is external) and encouraged legislators in Russia to pass legislation banning adoption by gay couples(link is external).
  • Errol Naidoo Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link">received training from the Family Research Council(link is external) in Washington, D.C before founding the Family Policy Institute in South Africa in response to the legalization of marriage equality, which he had lobbied against. He blames(link is external) abortion and “the homosexual agenda” for creating a “culture of death” that is “slowly killing off the human family in Western civilization.”
  • Glenn Stanton, a spokesman for Focus on the Family, has called marriage equality a “pernicious lie of Satan”(link is external) and said that “quite literally there is more evidence for Bigfoot(link is external) than there is that homosexuality is just who we are.”
  • Jennifer Roback Morse, president of the Ruth Institute, formerly affiliated with the National Organization for Marriage, says the “sexual revolution” is a “totalitarian(link is external)” movement” and “a pagan ideology(link is external)” that Christians should refuse to compromise with. She says(link is external) “the only reason we’re dealing with gay marriage now is because we never faced up to the harms that have already been inflicted by feminism.”
  • Mark Regnerus(link is external): His New Family Structures Study, funded by the anti-gay Witherspoon Institute, has been widely discredited, but continues to be cited by right-wing as if it provided scientific evidence for harm caused by gay parenting. It was used extensively as justification for passage of anti-gay laws in Russia(link is external).
  • Frank Schubert(link is external) is a political communications strategist notorious as the mastermind(link is external) of the strategy to ground the campaign for California’s Prop 8 in fear-mongering about gay people and couples being a threat to children. Schubert was paid handsomely to take that destructive strategy to other states.