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WorldNetDaily Names Trump 'Man Of The Year,' Compares Him To Founding Fathers

Yesterday, we noted(link is external) that Donald Trump will be delivering the keynote address in March at an event honoring WorldNetDaily founder and editor Joseph Farah, who has been a leader in driving birther conspiracy theories about President Obama. Today, WND returns the favor, naming Trump its “ Man of the Year(link is external).”

(President Obama already took the “Muslim of the Year(link is external)” honor from WND columnist Larry Klayman.)

Trump told WND that the recognition was an “honor” and that he appreciates the publication’s “informative polls and coverage.” (We’ve compiled some highlights of that “coverage” here(link is external).) From WND:

They treated his campaign announcement as a joke. They tried to destroy his business. They called him every foul name they could come up with. But at the end of 2015, the biased journalists, political consultants, leftist activists, snarky comedians and embittered critics of every stripe had to concede one man had beaten them all.

Donald J. Trump is the Republican favorite for president of the United States. There’s no indication he’ll fall from the top spot any time soon. And he’s the WND 2015 Man of the Year.

“It is my great honor to be named Man of the Year by your publication,” Trump said in a statement to WND. “I very much appreciate your informative polls and coverage. Together, we will Make America Great Again.”

WND specifically praised Trump for having “changed the accepted history of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks by forcing the media to report Muslim celebrations in the United States that day.” In fact, the media has repeatedly(link is external) debunked(link is external) Trump’s claim (link is external) that he saw “thousands and thousands” of American Muslims celebrating the 9/11 attacks in New Jersey.

“Has any personality ever dominated the news more than Donald Trump did in 2015?” asked WND Editor and CEO Joseph Farah. “I don’t think I’ve seen it in my lifetime. That’s why there can be no question about who 2015′s Man of the Year is – at least not if we’re being honest. He didn’t just change the debate, he became the debate. And there doesn’t seem to be any let-up in sight as we move into the presidential election year of 2016.”

As Farah observed, Trump has done what almost no other conservative has ever been able to accomplish by repeatedly forcing the mainstream media to back down. As he repeatedly brags, Trump turned immigration into a central issue in the Republican primary. Trump shifted the national conversation on terrorism by calling for a ban on Muslim immigration. He even changed the accepted history of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks by forcing the media to report Muslim celebrations in the United States that day.

WND even throws in some positive words for Trump from its chief birther correspondent Jerome Corsi(link is external), who, in addition to his crusade to prove that the president is lying about his birthplace, also thinks that Obama wears a ring from a secret marriage to his male Pakistani roommate(link is external). Corsi declares that Trump is “one of those rare people who appear in U.S. history as the right guy for the times” and that if he had lived during the American Revolution, he would have been “leading the Boston Tea Party and joining Sam Adams and Thomas Paine” in forming a new nation.

WND Senior Staff Writer and longtime political observer Jerome Corsi says Trump is the “real deal.”

He told WND: “Despite how much the Obama/Clinton leftists in the Democratic Party and the D.C. establishment leadership of the GOP hate Trump, he is not going away, he is not going to drop out, and he is positioned to win the GOP nomination and the White House despite all odds.”

Corsi believes Donald Trump is “one of those rare people who appear in U.S. history as the right guy for the times.”

“If these were the days of the American Revolution,” Corsi said, “Trump would be leading the Boston Tea Party and joining Sam Adams and Thomas Paine in carving the political room for a rebirth of the type of constitutional freedom our Founding Fathers had envisioned for the American Republic.”

Today’s challenge, Corsi stated, is political correctness. And Donald Trump is just the man to destroy it.

“Trump will succeed precisely because he is politically incorrect, because he dares to say what most Americans are thinking,” Corsi argued. “Calling Trump sexist, racist, and every phobe the leftist intolerant political ideologies can generate only boosts his popularity, as the mainstream media lose their power to control the news by calling their enemies a nasty name. He’s rising in the polls because he defies the politically correct rules ordained by pundits and exposes leftists – including those at Fox News – for what they are.”

Corsi, author of “What Went Wrong: Inside the GOP Debacle of 2012 and How It Can Be Avoided Next Time,” also says pundits are underestimating Trump’s chances to win both the primary and the general election.

“Trump will attract votes from women, Hispanics, and African-Americans,” Corsi predicted. “He has done more to improve the economic status of minorities in America than all the other candidates combined – in both the GOP and among the Democrats.”