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Bauer: Gay Rights Will Lead To 'The Criminalization of Christianity'

After warning that gay rights opponents will be put in jail(link is external) any day now, last night Gary Bauer told(link is external) members of his Campaign for Working Families PAC that as a result of the Supreme Court’s marriage rulings “we are headed toward the criminalization of Christianity.”

Bauer suggests “the militant homosexual movement” will have Child Protective Services remove children from homes where the parents teach kids “that God intended them to marry someone of the opposite sex.”

Based on the messages I have received, many of you (and especially our friends in California) seem tempted to give up. Some are asking, "Why should we bother anymore?"

This may be shocking to you, but if we throw up our arms in frustration and surrender the political arena to the left, it will get a whole lot worse. We are headed toward the criminalization of Christianity. Let me explain.

If a family were teaching its children that the KKK is the correct model for society, people would rightly be outraged. If Child Protective Services found out, that family would face the possibility of having its kids taken away for psychological child abuse.

When it comes to same-sex marriage, the militant homosexual movement and its left-wing media allies have, unbelievably, taken the normal view of marriage and equated it with the kind of raw bigotry I just described.

If we stop fighting, in short order you will not be able to teach your children that God intended them to marry someone of the opposite sex.

You may say, "Gary, that will never happen!" That's exactly what folks said about men "marrying" other men just 20 years ago.

As I wrote yesterday, this is about more than just marriage rights. It is not hyperbole to say that religious liberty is at stake. (Pastors, please pay attention!)

It used to be said that homosexuals were coming out of the closet and they wanted to force Christianity in the closet. It's worse than that. If you think I am exaggerating, consider Justice Antonin Scalia's dissent in yesterday's ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act.

In his majority striking down Section 3 of DOMA, Justice Kennedy accuses supporters of normal marriage of harboring an "animus" or hatred of homosexuals. Scalia's dissent suggests that the majority's arrogance betrays its own "animus," one the left is about to unleash on men and women of faith.