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End Times Pastor: Donald Trump Could Be The Messiah Or His Forerunner

Televangelist Jim Bakker hosted(link is external) several fellow End Times preachers on his television program today to discuss the prophetic implications of the presidential election.

One of Bakker’s guests, Tom Horn, a prolific author of Last Days-themed books, spent an entire segment of the program explaining that “rabbis” have revealed that Trump may be the messiah, or a harbinger to the arrival of the messiah akin to John the Baptist.

“They’re looking at Donald Trump” as the messiah, Horn said of “the rabbis,” saying that Trump’s name “actually means ‘messiah.’”

Among the clues that Trump may be the messiah, he said, is that the president-elect is a kingly and warrior-like leader committed to protecting Israel and, according to Horn, rebuilding the Temple of Jerusalem.

Horn said that if Trump is not the messiah, then he is likely “the forerunner” to the messiah who “will start the message in the wilderness and the messiah is going to come in on his heels.”

If Trump turns out to only be a John the Baptist-like figure, Horn explained, then his inauguration will signal the beginning of the “countdown to the appearance of the messiah.”

But the “rabbis” who “do think he is the messiah,” Horn said, are looking for proof that Trump’s “bloodline goes back to the Davidic dynasty.”

Horn added that the Antichrist is also about to materialize, but is definitely not Trump.

“I’m just saying!”