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GOP Rep Dave Brat Appears On Alex Jones' Conspiracy Radio Show

Donald Trump and Rand Paul aren’t the only Republican politicians enthralled by far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones(link is external), as Rep. David Brat, R-Va., appeared on Jones’ Infowars network show yesterday(link is external) to claim that liberals are allied with radical Islamists.

After Jones falsely(link is external) claimed(link is external) that the city of London’s new mayor is imposing Sharia law and that President Obama and liberals have “allied with Islam,” Brat wholeheartedly agreed — “You nailed it” — and said the Founding Fathers never thought that an “intolerant” religion like Islam would be able to integrate into American culture.

Brat added that just as the British need to “go back to restoring their culture” after they voted to leave the European Union, Americans need to reclaim “the Judeo-Christian tradition,” lamenting(link is external) that “religious toleration is becoming a ‘safe zone’ where you’ve got to sign up before you can go to church, it looks like.”