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Janet Mefferd: Gay Christianity Is The Biggest 'Trojan Horse' Evangelicals Face Today

Christian radio host Janet Mefferd said that she had only one problem with a statement recently released by a group of conservative evangelical faith leaders: It didn’t condemn the existence of gay Christians.

During her radio show(link is external) yesterday, Mefferd expressed her support for the “Nashville Statement(link is external)” released by The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood that stated the group’s disapproval of same-sex marriage and related issues. The only problem with the statement, Mefferd said, is that it did not denounce the existence of homosexual Christians.

“Nowhere in this statement do they deny that there is such a thing as gay Christianity,” Mefferd said. “It matters because that is the biggest Trojan horse that I think we as conservative evangelicals face today.”

Mefferd went on to claim that LGBTQ activists, in addition to “propagandizing the kids” in schools, are trying to change the fundamental views of the church.

“It’s moved now from saying you can be a Christian who is celibate and you’re fighting your same-sex attractions,” Mefferd said, “that’s one thing. But now we’re getting more and more books that are pushing the boundaries now within Christian circles.”

“It’s not just a matter of being a Christian but fighting my temptations, like any Christian would have to fight temptations” Mefferd said. “It’s now going into, ‘No, I’m gay.’”