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Janet Mefferd Warns Listeners They Might Vomit from Story about Anderson Cooper Coming Out

On her radio show Tuesday, Janet Mefferd warned listeners(link is external) who tuned in that they might vomit like a sick child with a stomach ache over the story they were about to hear…about Anderson Cooper coming out of the closet. While Mefferd noted that Cooper’s sexual orientation was no real secret, she was most upset about an article(link is external) by Baptist minister and Huffington Post Religious Editor Paul Brandeis Raushenbush’s reflecting on Cooper’s statement that “the ability to love another person is one of God's greatest gifts, and I thank God every day for enabling me to give and share love with the people in my life.”

After spending time quoting from Raushenbush’s column, she warned that greater acceptance of “neo-pagan” homosexuality will ultimately lead to the de-stigmatization of pedophilia and a return to the sexual mores of Ancient Rome, cautioning that “Jerry Sandusky thirty years from now may be a normal thing.” “You already have pedophiles who are trying to be normalized at the American Psychological Association, I think that’s the name of it, they’ve succeeded in having homosexuality removed from the playbook as some sort of disorder,” Mefferd said, “and now they’re working on pedophilia and I’m sure they’ll be successful because that’s where it is all headed.”

She concluded by telling Cooper that he “did receive from God an ability to love, but not that kind of love,” which she claims is a “a lie from the pit” of Hell:

I don’t know about you, when your kids are sick like mine sometimes are and they’ll come down in the middle of the night, ‘mommy I have a stomach ache,’ I always give them the same words of advice, ‘get a bucket, put a little bit of water in it and put it next to your bed and that way if that upset stomach does what it might do, you’ll be prepared.’ So in that vein I would like to give you the same advice, given what I’m about to talk about you might want to get yourself a bucket with a little water in it and that way if you feel a little sick and it manifests itself in a physical way you’ll be prepared. I wasn’t going to even talk about this but I can’t resist because this has got to be the neo-pagan story of the day. Did you know—I know this isn’t going to be a shock to you—Anderson Cooper is gay. I know, what a shock, I’m reeling from this news, I had no idea, yes I’m being sarcastic. But there is something very funny about this because Paul Brandeis Raushenbush over at the Huffington Post has a headline on his story about Anderson Cooper, the CNN anchor, announcing that he is gay and it says “Fact is.. Anderson Cooper Thanks God He’s Gay.”

If this were pagan, Ancient Rome, Jerry Sandusky wouldn’t have been in trouble at all because homosexuality and man-boy love was so common and so accepted that outrage would’ve been inconceivable. It is only the vestiges of Christianity in our culture that give people the moral framework by which you can look at a Sandusky and feel revolted. And you know what the way we are going, Jerry Sandusky thirty years from now may be a normal thing. You already have pedophiles who are trying to be normalized at the American Psychological Association, I think that’s the name of it, they’ve succeeded in having homosexuality removed from the playbook as some sort of disorder and now they’re working on pedophilia and I’m sure they’ll be successful because that’s where it is all headed.

Anderson Cooper did receive from God an ability to love, but not that kind of love. That’s not love, it’s not love. All you need to do is go back to Romans Chapter 1. This is an absolute pagan expression that has twisted love beyond recognition and turned it into something that is not God’s design at all. This is a lie from the pit, and we must oppose it. And unfortunately, we have so-called evangelicals getting on this train to nowhere.