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Jerome Corsi Invites Robert Mueller To ‘The Back Yard Of The Justice Department’ To ‘Duke It Out’

Jerome Corsi, Washington bureau chief for the conspiracy theory outlet Infowars, said today that he wants to take Special Counsel Robert Mueller behind the Department of Justice and fight him.

Last night it was reported that Infowars contributor Ted Malloch was detained by the FBI in Cleveland, Ohio. Although it’s likely that Malloch’s detainment in Ohio could have been related to reports(link is external) that he gave false statements to banks in order to obtain multimillion-dollar loans, Infowars staff spent last night in a state of hysteria(link is external) that he had been targeted by the “deep state.”

On today’s Infowars broadcast(link is external), host Alex Jones brought on Corsi to talk about the story and the widespread corruption they believe has overtaken the FBI. During this discussion, Corsi grew increasingly upset about Malloch’s detainment and eventually ranted about how much he’d like to fight Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 elections.

“I’m fed up with this. I want to say to Mueller, ‘Let’s go out in the backyard of the Justice Department. You’ve got to have some—let’s duke it out. I mean, you want to behave like a thug? You want to behave like that? Well, this is what you deserve. Let’s duke it out. You’re finished. You’re a hack. The whole investigation is a criminal set-up,’” Corsi said.