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Klingenschmitt: 'Child Molesting' Is 'A Favorite Recruiting Tool Of Adult Homosexuals'

This week, Gordon Klingenschmitt sent out yet another(link is external) insane(link is external) anti-gay(link is external) email(link is external) to members of his Pray In Jesus Name Project criticizing Sen. Al Franken’s Student Non-Discrimination Act, or what Klingenschmitt calls the “Homosexual Classroorms [sic] Act.”

After alleging that “one half of all adult homosexuals report having once been victims of sexual abuse before age 13,” Klingenschmitt writes that gay people see child molestation as “a favorite ‘recruiting’ tool of adult homosexuals. They violate children, and when the victim is later confused, they lie and say ‘you were born that way.’”

Minors are not mentally mature enough to consent to sex with adults, which makes it statutory rape. Did you know the average age of first sexual experience for heterosexuals is 17, but for homosexuals it is 12? One half of all adult homosexuals report having once been victims of sexual abuse before age 13.

Child molesting is therefore a favorite "recruiting" tool of adult homosexuals. They violate children, and when the victim is later confused, they lie and say 'you were born that way.'

This summer Franken snuck his pro-bullying legislation which threatens to defund any public school that fails to promote homosexuality (bullying Christian kids to reject their parents' religious beliefs), by inserting the language from his failed "Homosexual Classroorms [sic] Act" (aka Student Non-Discrimination) into Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA)'s Elementary and Secondary Education Act (formerly known as No Child Left Behind).

The result is Al Franken's "No Child Left Unmolested" amendment, which mandates a pro-homosexual federal curricula for all public schools, and defunds any school that resists. He deceptively campaigns it will stop bullying, but actually it bullies your Christian kids and teachers, removing power from parents and school boards, by threatening to withhold funds, if they refuse to teach kids that sin is normal.