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Rick Joyner: Opposition To President Trump Is Satanic

Televangelist Rick Joyner posted a video(link is external) on his Facebook page yesterday in which he said that opposition to President Trump's agenda and nominees is satanic.

"The behavior of the left after this election is mind-boggling," he said. "It's not only undemocratic, it's unfair, it's unjust, it's unhinged, it's undignified, it's immature ... This absolutely out-of-control rage that is coming on our country, I think it is Lucifer."

"When Satan is cast out of heaven, he comes to the earth with great wrath," Joyner added. "Whenever you see this great wrath, this great rage, it's because we're winning. He's being displaced from his high places and so he's coming with great rage, and all those that he can control are going to manifest his rage."

But Christians should remain calm and confident, Joyner counseled, because the Bible says that Jesus and his followers will ultimately win this battle.

"Be happy, don't worry," he said. "The whole world, they're going to think God's people are retarded because we're so happy when it looks like the world's falling apart, we've got peace and joy. But guess what? We're the ones who are the most sane."