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Rick Wiles Points To 'Game Of Thrones' Tweet To Prove Obama Is The Antichrist

Rick Wiles believes that a Game of Thrones-inspired image(link is external) of President Obama that the White House posted on Twitter as a joke during the White House Correspondents Dinner, is actually a sign of the End Times and Obama’s demonic nature. Wiles, who was once worried that Obama would declare himself God(link is external) and wondered if a fly landing on the president proved that he is a demon(link is external), invited evangelists Augusto Perez and Steve Quayle onto “TruNews(link is external)” to discuss the tweet on his radio broadcast on Friday.

Perez claimed that the tweet is just a “little side” of “a big dark conspiracy” to bring about “hell on earth,” while Wiles wondered why other evangelists aren’t calling out Obama for clearly being the Antichrist:

If there was a politician who came to power in another nation, a powerful nation, who had Obama’s identification mystery, his same association with the occult, his worship as a deity, his spying and surveillance powers, his war making powers, his persecution of Christians around the world through his policies, if there was another person like that in power in another nation, American Christians would be shouting that that person is the Antichrist, that he has appeared.

Perez linked the tweet to gay rights victories, including the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell:

“All of this weird stuff going on, this image of him seated on a feathered throne, supposedly it’s swords, with a crossbow and what looks like eggs, it’s so weird,” Perez said. “You have to be able to connect the dots. The release of evil that is taking place in recent years, all kinds of things, the legislation that has been passed, corrupting the military on purpose, sodomy, bestiality, homosexuality, things that are meant to demoralize the Armed Forces and demoralize this people, same-sex marriage.”

Wiles then likened Obama to the ancient Assyrian king Sennacherib, saying that “all this man has done has been to bring immorality to the highest level it’s ever been in this country and export it around the world.”

Not to be outdone, Quayle told Wiles that Obama in 2008 accepted the Democratic presidential nomination from “Satan’s throne,” adding: “I want to make it clear, you cannot put ‘Obama’ and ‘nation’ together without coming up with ‘Obamanation.’”

“This guy is a demoniac,” Wiles said.