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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 4/1/15

  • Gordon Klingenschmitt is now refusing(link is external) to give interviews to 9 News in Colorado until the station issues a retraction of its coverage of his recent comments(link is external), which the station is refusing to do.
  • You are invited(link is external) to the premier of Rick Green's new television program, "Red, White, Blue, & Green."
  • BarbWire's Gina Miller has penned(link is external) another typically reasonable column: "Since Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) took office, the militant homosexual movement has made terrible gains for their sordid goals in all areas of our nation, and the homofascists are hell-bent to defend those gains from any real or perceived losses."
  • Peter LaBarbera declares(link is external) that "Christians and moral-minded citizens have been victimized by a liberal, elitist pro-homosexual orthodoxy that increasingly brooks no dissent."
  • Finally, it really is too bad that Michele Bachmann(link is external) is no longer in Congress: "With his Iran deal, Barack Obama is for the 300 million souls of the United States what Andreas Lubitz was for the 150 souls on the German Wings flight - a deranged pilot flying his entire nation into the rocks. After the fact, among the smoldering remains of American cities, the shocked survivors will ask, why did he do it?"