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Scott Lively Wants To Be The Champion Of 'Authentic Conservative Homosexual' Voters

Trump(link is external)-loving(link is external) radical(link is external) anti-LGBTQ(link is external) activist(link is external) Scott Lively appeared on Sandy Rios' radio program last Friday(link is external) to discuss his campaign for governor(link is external) in Massachusetts, during which he reiterated his pledge(link is external) to be the voice of any "authentic conservative homosexual" voter who is willing to "agree that mainstream society should be—and must be—heterosexual."

"One of my goals here in this campaign is I want to establish sort of a profile of what an authentic conservative homosexual looks like," Lively said, quickly making clear that this should not be construed to mean that he would consider "ever endorsing homosexuality, because it's something condemned by God."

Lively asserted that "authentically conservative" gay voters are nothing like "the gay progressives," because the former place "an emphasis on personal privacy instead of gay pride parades cramming it down everybody's throats."

Lively said that gay rights activists today are part of a "radical cultural Marxist warfare" movement whereas the founders of the fight for gay rights were simply seeking "the right to be left alone," which is something he is willing to support because "we should respect people's right to be wrong, because in God's perfect timing, he works with every person."

Lively declared that as long as gay conservatives "agree that mainstream society should be—and must be—heterosexual," then society should be willing to accommodate them, especially when faced with the threat that the "gay cultural supremacy being driven by the hard-left progressives" is creating an environment in which "the natural family may actually be facing extinction."

"If the concept of male and female complementarity actually becomes criminalized, and that's where this is headed," Lively warned, "we're going to face some really serious problems."