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Trump Christian Liaison: God 'Raised Up' Trump To Help Pave The Way For The Second Coming

Frank Amedia, a pastor who says he is serving in a volunteer capacity as Donald Trump’s “Christian policy” liaison(link is external), said last month that God told him last year that Trump would win the GOP nomination and that he believes Trump has been “raised up” to help pave the way for the Second Coming.

Amedia spoke with Steve Strang, the founder of the Pentecostal magazine Charisma, on Strang’s podcast on the day Donald Trump effectively won the Republican presidential nomination; the podcast was posted online last week(link is external).

Amedia told Strang that he was praying about the presidential election last summer when, to his surprise, God told him to do what he could to elect Trump.

“I really was not even thinking about Donald Trump as being a serious candidate,” he said. “And the Lord spoke very clearly to me, and he said to me, ‘This man is going to win the nomination and I want you to be ready to serve my cause when I call you.’”

When Strang expressed astonishment that Amedia received this message even as pundits were dismissing Trump’s chances, Amedia responded that this in fact “proves that the Lord’s hand is in this.”

“Only God can take imperfection and use someone like me and, I won’t speak for you, but maybe the vast majority of those who are listening and be able to somehow mold us into a victory in His name,” he said. “In this instance, it’s not because Donald Trump has heralded his faith or the name of God, but the Lord has put His favor upon him, and how amazing it is that the favor of God can overcome so many mistakes, so many bumbles, so many things that otherwise we would think would destroy somebody in business, destroy them in politics, destroy them in relationships. But yet it’s very evident it was the will of the Lord to do this and here we sit now.”

Amedia then told Strang that he believes there is “a skirmish going on” in the “heavenlies” right now that “is the beginnings of the preparation of the way of the coming of the Lord.”

As part of this preparation for the Second Coming, he said, a “breaker anointing” has taken place, giving Trump the power to break up “established norms” that have not served the “Kingdom of God.” (This is a reference to a passage(link is external) in the Old Testament Book of Micah about the end of days.)

“And this breaker anointing is manifesting in so many different facets on earth today,” he said. “One of them is the political realm, one of them is right here in the United States, and I perceive that Donald Trump has been raised up with that breaker anointing to just begin to crush all of the strangleholds that have been placed upon this country. And, let’s face it, this country influences the world. And the positions that he’s taken, albeit in not quite the personality that you and I would walk out into, is accomplishing in smashing a lot of what were established norms and are established norms that haven’t been very effective at all on serving the principles of the Kingdom of God.”