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Barber: 'God Will Not Be Mocked' by Gay Marriage

On today's episode(link is external) of Liberty Counsel's "Faith and Freedom" radio program, Matt Barber and Shawn Akers discussed the rise in out-of-wedlock births, which they blamed on the fact that "counterfeit marriage" is undermining the value of marriage as an institution.

The discussion prompted Barber to declare(link is external) that it was absurd to even use the term "marriage" when talking about this issue, because same-sex marriage is really just "mock marriage ... and God will not be mocked," which is why God is turning his face away from this nation:

Recently it dawned on me that so-called "same-sex marriage," to use the term "marriage" isn't even appropriate. It's not same-sex marriage, it's mock marriage because it's not real marriage, it's a mock marriage. And same-sex marriage and the attacks on marriage mock God and his design for the institution of marriage.

And God will not be mocked, Shawn, and as we turn our face from God, relative to marriage and our larger culture on a number of these issues of morality and sexual morality, why should be we surprised when God turns his face from us?