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Ben Carson Ends His Weird, Grifting, Bigoted Ride To The White House

While he is not formally suspending his presidential campaign, Ben Carson said in a statement(link is external) today that he sees no path to becoming the GOP nominee.

Carson has tried to position himself as the nice candidate in a race of blowhards, although his kindly image probably wasn’t helped by the fact that his campaign was apparently scamming supporters(link is external) in order to make(link is external) money(link is external) for its own operatives. It also wasn’t helped by Carson’s many mystifying statements and his promotion of anti-gay and anti-Muslim bigotry.

One tip-off that Carson’s campaign was a total scam was when it was reported that he had shilled for a quack-cures company(link is external) that used misleading advertisements to promote its products to people with cancer, HIV, ALS and autism. When called out, Carson denied having “any kind of relationship” with the company(link is external) … a claim that rather undermined by the fact that he is on video promoting the company(link is external).

While positioning himself as a defender of the Constitution and freedom, Carson called for the federal government to stop recognizing Supreme Court rulings(link is external) and praised(link is external) armed militias standing off with the government in Nevada. He said that the federal government should begin monitoring of churches, schools, organizations and media outlets “that were anti-American(link is external),” specifically calling for government monitoring(link is external) of classrooms and libraries(link is external).

Fearing that non-citizens were illegally voting in U.S. elections, Carson pledged(link is external) to deport them and have their “citizenship revoked.”

Carson’s campaign efforts were also not helped by his series of baffling claims regarding the theory of evolution(link is external), the founding fathers(link is external), Ebola-tainted urine(link is external)clothing(link is external)vaccines(link is external) and Egyptian pyramids(link is external), or by the fact that he was caught plagiarizing(link is external) from far-right authors and sharing(link is external) fabricated(link is external) quotes(link is external) from historical figures.

But Carson truly made a name for himself as a vocal opponent of the rights of gay people and Muslim-Americans.

Carson went after gay rights by discussing prison rape(link is external) with a claim so bizarre that even Glenn Beck called it “the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard(link is external)” and warning that marriage equality would legalize pedophilia and bestiality(link is external). The gay rights movement, Carson said, was part of a wider anti-American(link is external), anti-God(link is external), anti-Constitution (link is external) plot conjured up by communist subversives(link is external) and the New World Order(link is external).

He labeled his other favorite target, Muslim-Americans, as disloyal people(link is external) who should never be allowed(link is external) to hold the presidency, likening Muslim refugees to rabid dogs(link is external).

Carson also had interesting views on foreign policy, arguing that ISIS would have been stopped if only there were more firearms in Iraq(link is external), suggesting that liberals promote marijuana reform in order to distract people from Benghazi(link is external), warning about nonexistent college ties(link is external) between Iranian, Palestinian and Russian leaders, asserting that China has entered the Syrian Civil War (link is external) and memorably mispronouncing “Hamas” as “hummus.” (link is external)

But Carson was probably happy just to be running at all, as he frequently predicted(link is external) that President Obama might cancel the 2016 election(link is external).

Obama, Carson claimed, was an anti-American(link is external)treasonous(link is external)Lenin(link is external)- and Hitler-inspired(link is external)Communist tyrant(link is external) who has made America(link is external) resemble(link is external) Nazi Germany(link is external) and reintroduced slavery(link is external) through his health care reform law .

Throughout all this, Carson repeatedly(link is external) claimed(link is external) that God was behind his campaign(link is external).

But without a doubt, Carson will not leave the political spotlight any time soon, at least as long as there is money to be made.