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Birthers for Ted Cruz

The possible 2016 presidential candidacy of Canadian-born Texas Sen. Ted Cruz presents something of a conundrum for the birthers who have spent the past several years declaring that President Obama was born in Kenya and therefore ineligible for the presidency. While the Congressional Research Service [PDF(link is external)] and many(link is external) others(link is external) hold that Cruz is eligible since his mother is a US citizen, birthers contend that Obama is ineligible to be president since they believe—without any real evidence—that he was born abroad to an American mother.

This weekend, arch-birther Donald Trump tried to avoid a question about Cruz’s eligibility, saying that he wasn’t sure(link is external) where Cruz was born.

But Lord Christopher Monckton, columnist(link is external) for the birther “news” site WorldNetDaily, seems to have no qualms about Cruz’s eligibility, writing(link is external) that he wants to erect a statue of Cruz(link is external) and can already envision the Texas senator as a successful two-term president:

Ted Cruz is one to watch. And let us not wait until after he has served two spectacular terms as President of the United States before we engage some rising Michelangelo to carve a noble statue of him.

For the newly minted senator from Texas, who has already gotten off to a good start by speaking out against killing little children in their mother’s womb and has proposed to defund ObamachaosTM, now proposes to sweep away the hated, corrupt Infernal Revenue “Service” and replace today’s graduated income tax with a flat-rate tax that is the same for everyone.

Poverty endures solely because the left gain votes from it. Ted Cruz is one of the few politicians in either House of Congress who understand this. And he cares enough to do something about it. That is why he deserves his statue.

Of course, Monckton(link is external) is(link is external) a(link is external) birther(link is external). In fact, he wrote an entire report [PDF(link is external)] alleging that President Obama should and might be removed from office over the issue.

But at the same time, Monckton is perfectly happy with building a Michelangelo-inspired statue of Ted Cruz even before “he has served two spectacular terms as President of the United States.”