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Dave Daubenmire Is Just Asking The Question: Are 'Satan/Obama' And The Jewish-Run Media Putting Us In FEMA Camps?

We all know how much certain conservative commentators, namely Glenn Beck, try to get away with making crazy and conspiratorial statements by insisting that they are just asking the question.

Yesterday far-right pundit Dave Daubenmire wrote an entire column(link is external) devoted to just asking the question regarding his many concerns about the Lucifer-worshipping Democrats and “Satan/Alinsky/Obama,” including his thoughts on Jews running the media, chemtrails, the Illuminati, Common Core, voter fraud and FEMA camps.

I often hear from “loyal Democrats” who resent it when I say that those who vote for the Democrats are supporters of the haters of God. The playbook their current leadership uses gives honor to Lucifer. Scripture tells us that no one can serve two masters. You can't follow Jesus and vote for those who honor Lucifer.

It would be wise for you to take the time to read Alinsky's top 12 rules listed here.

Although we need to be equally alert to all of the techniques of Satan/Alinsky/Obama and how they employ their tactics, rule number five is the one I would like to focus on today.

“Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It's infuriating. It's irrational. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude, and mean, huh?They want to create anger and fear.”

So today I would like to lob a few thoughts your way and ask if it would make a difference in your approach to figuring out why things are so messed up, if you considered one simple question.

What if it was true? Here goes.

WHAT IF the President really did provide a fake birth certificate? What if He received aid as a foreign student? What if the President really was on the side of the Muslims?

WHAT IF the shredding of our borders was part of a bigger plan to destroy America? What if the Illuminati were real? What if a small group of bankers were pulling all of the strings?

WHAT IF the goal of the Departmental of Education was to make Americans dumber? What if they knew Common Core was designed to subvert America?

WHAT IF there really was something harmful in the “chemtrails” that are being sprayed on us?

WHAT IF the Kazar and Ashkenazi Jews really did control the media and the financial system? What if most modern Jews had no bloodline connection to Jesus?

WHAT IF “climate change” was a scientific fraud designed to control the lives of Americans? What if “the authorities” have no legal, rightful authority?

WHAT IF the FEMA camps were real and operational? Why? Who are they for?

WHAT IF your pastor was afraid to speak the Truth for fear of government retribution? What if his theology was wrong? What if YOURS was?

WHAT IF the voting machines were hacked? What if your vote was changed? What if illegal and dead people voted? What if the candidates were selected and not elected?

WHAT IF the return of the Nephilim was actually occurring? What if UFO's were actually invaders from a demonic realm?

What are the odds that ALL of the above are merely conspiracy theories? Question Authority.