The Family Research Council has sent out an email seeking one million people who are willing to pray for Sen. Jim DeMint in his battle against the Republican establishment:
Recently Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), a well-rounded conservative stalwart in the U.S. Senate, has come under attack from both left wing groups and establishment Republicans because he has refused to waver in his defense of the family. When liberals gang up on a principled leader, doing what is right can seem like a lonely effort. That's why we're gathering together one million Americans to pray on a regular basis for Sen. DeMint.
The senator has expressed his appreciation for those who would pray for him, and has agreed to keep those who pledge to pray updated with specific prayer requests as he works with the new Congress on issues critical to faith, family, and freedom.
Sen. DeMint need not feel alone in his convictions -- will you stand with me and Americans across the nation as we pray for Sen. Jim DeMint?
From FRC's press release:
"To those of us who know and admire Sen. Jim DeMint, these recent attacks on his character have been difficult to stomach. In the aftermath of last Tuesday's election, Sen. DeMint has been unfairly blamed for the Republicans' shortcomings in the Senate. Perhaps more than any other GOP member, Sen. DeMint is responsible for giving Americans hope that what's wrong in Washington can be fixed if we simply return to our nation's founding principles and work within - not around - the Constitution.
"When the Establishment failed to energize the base with its moderate platform, Sen. DeMint became a crusader for principled conservatism that reached beyond the GOP. When people gang up on a principled leader, doing what is right can seem like a lonely effort. That's why FRC is gathering together one million Americans to pray on a regular basis for Sen. DeMint.
"We want the men and women from both parties to know that an attack on Sen. DeMint is an attack on all conservatives and people of faith. In my conversations, Sen. DeMint has expressed his appreciation for those who would pray for him and has agreed to keep those who pledge to pray updated with specific prayer requests as he works with the new Congress on issues critical to our families. To join us in lifting up Sen. DeMint and other leaders of conviction, go to"