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Kim Davis' Attorneys: The Government Is Coming After Us!

Just as Kentucky clerk Kim Davis played the victim after she defied court orders (link is external) and continued to discriminate against same-sex couples(link is external), so too have her lawyers at Liberty Counsel(link is external) been readily playing the victim(link is external) after they came under fire(link is external) for, among other things, repeatedly(link is external) telling(link is external) falsehoods(link is external) during Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link"> Davis’ unsuccessful legal battle(link is external).

In an email to members yesterday, Liberty Counsel head Mathew Staver found another opportunity to embrace the victim narrative, this time highlighting a new Justice Department effort to combat homegrown extremism.

Unsurprisingly, conservative activists have reacted to the DOJ program by predicting(link is external) that the government will begin to go after Republicans, veterans and gun owners, the exact same claim they made after the Department of Homeland Security issued a report on far-right domestic terrorism in 2009.

Back when the DHS report was released, Liberty Counsel offered its members cards declaring “I’m Proud To Be A Right-Wing Extremist(link is external),” which included the group’s phone number(link is external) just in case cardholders were “confronted by an agent of the Department of Homeland Security.” While it seemed odd for groups like Liberty Counsel to deliberately equate themselves with violent organizations(link is external), it presented a new way to raise money and raise the alarm about coming governmental persecution.

In its latest email about the supposedly looming government attack on conservatives, Liberty Counsel compares itself with Christians who are actually facing persecution in the Middle East and insists that the U.S. government considers conservative Christians “more dangerous than radical jihadists and ISIS.”

“Mentored by radicals, including Bill Ayers, President Obama embraces ideologies that conflict with Christian values and the very principles upon which our nation was founded. That's why we are now in the Obama administration's crosshairs,” the email says. “Help us continue to stand against the radical onslaught being waged against Christians right here in America.”

A dangerous new chapter in the persecution of Christians is underway. No, not in the Middle East, but shockingly, right here in the United States!

Last week, we learned through that President Obama's assistant attorney general for national security, John Carlin, revealed that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is creating a new position called the "Domestic Terrorism Counsel," to combat the "real and present threat" of domestic terrorism...

And who are they identifying as posing that threat? Christians!

…in the opinion of President Barack Obama and his administration, you and I are considered more dangerous than radical jihadists and ISIS operatives which the State Department admits are being actively recruited in the United States.

Even more troubling is the fact that the DOJ is depending on the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to help root out domestic terrorists. In earlier messages, we explained how the SPLC operates, placing groups — including conservative, Christian groups — on its "Hate List" based on their ideology, not their propensity for violence. Liberty Counsel has been added to that list!

As columnist Bryan Fisher so aptly wrote about the DOJ's methods of identifying domestic extremists, "[T]he folks at SPLC are still useful to the DOJ, which is desperate to paint conservative Christians as a greater threat to our domestic tranquility than people who are determined to decapitate us in the name of Allah."

Given the facts, why would the Obama administration name the SPLC as the DOJ's right arm in the effort to root out “domestic terrorists"?

Look no further than Barack Obama himself. Mentored by radicals, including Bill Ayers, President Obama embraces ideologies that conflict with Christian values and the very principles upon which our nation was founded. That's why we are now in the Obama administration's crosshairs.

…we can no longer ignore the increasing legislative and legal efforts to discredit and demonize our faith. This latest announcement should drive all of us to reinforce the walls for a battle that is already well underway!

Liberty Counsel has long fought on your behalf against those eager to silence believers while driving every vestige of Christian faith from public life. But we need help...

Your generosity is needed more than ever — both in prayer and through financial support. We are facing well-funded adversaries who are being emboldened by the President and his administration — and we must rise to the challenges!

Click here to help us with a special tax-deductible gift today.

Thank you for your ongoing support of Liberty Counsel's inspired defense of life, liberty, and family.


P.S. Help us continue to stand against the radical onslaught being waged against Christians right here in America. Your special gift will encourage us and help us overcome a significant budget shortfall this month.