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Lisa Miller Cannot Be Held In Contempt Because Nobody Can Find Her?

I have to say that I find the reasoning as to why Lisa Miller, who disappeared nearly two months ago in order to avoid granting custody of her daughter to her former partner, cannot be held in contempt of court(link is external) to be a little suspect:

A Forest woman accused of running away with her child rather than share custody with her former partner will not face criminal charges in Bedford County.

On Wednesday morning, a Bedford County judge said he cannot hold Lisa Miller in contempt of court because deputies have not been able to locate her.

So Miller can't be held in contempt for violating court orders by disappearing with her daughter because she's disappeared with her daughter and nobody can find her? 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that sort of ruling doesn't seem to provide much incentive for people to abide by court orders now does it?  In fact, it sort of seems to do exactly the opposite.

In related news, members of Jerry Falwell's Thomas Road Baptist Church insist that they are not hiding Miller (and Mat Staver still refuses to comment): 

Former colleagues at Liberty Christian Academy say they have no idea where she and her daughter are.

Austin Buckley worked with Miller at LCA. "Thomas Road Baptist Church is not hiding Lisa or Isabella. We don't have a secret bunker under the sanctuary or anything like that. People are- I think that there are friends of Lisa's that are praying. But as a whole, Thomas Road is not supporting her financially or anything of that nature," he said.

Miller's lawyer, Mathew Staver of Liberty Counsel, has not commented on the case.