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Pastor Ties Market Turmoil To Gay Rights And Legal Abortion

End Times preacher Carl Gallups spoke to WorldNetDaily yesterday(link is external) about Pat Robertson’s claim that this week’s stock market turmoil represented God’s judgment on America(link is external).

Gallups agreed with Robertson and warned that even greater forms of judgment are in store for the U.S. because of the country’s policies on abortion and homosexuality.

“How can we exterminate 55 million of our most precious national treasures and resources, our own children, and not expect God’s hand of judgment to eventually fall — and fall hard?” he asked WND. “How can we arrogantly usher in the Sodom and Gomorrah spirit of degradation and abomination; and then celebrate it, embrace it, glorify it, and codify it – while somehow expecting the author of life and marriage to remain silent?”

Pastor Carl Gallups, a former law-enforcement officer, talk-radio host and author of the upcoming book “Be Thou Prepared: Equipping the Church for Persecution and Times of Trouble,” believes hard times and even persecution are in store for American Christians. He thinks economic difficulties may only be the beginning.

“I am listening, along with the rest of America, to the various financial pundits insisting that what we are watching with the recent market percentage collapse is a ‘market correction’ or a ‘typical market drop’ for this time of year,” said Gallups.

“Those definitions may indeed prove to be true, in this particular case, as the next few weeks and months go by. But, I do know this – even if this particular financial disaster passes and/or corrects, America has a day of reckoning coming. And when it arrives, it will make what is happening now look like child’s play.”

When asked what he meant by that analysis, Gallups responded: “There is no way that we can teach our children – for several generations – that we originated from an accidental, random, cosmic explosion and that there is no need for God – and that the Bible is a simple collection of fairy tales and myths, without the Lord having His say in the matter. We are already paying the ‘reap what you sow’ curse, as we can see with the moral rot in our country. But there is worse yet to come if we don’t repent.”

Gallups continued: “How can we exterminate 55 million of our most precious national treasures and resources, our own children, and not expect God’s hand of judgment to eventually fall – and fall hard? How can we arrogantly usher in the Sodom and Gomorrah spirit of degradation and abomination; and then celebrate it, embrace it, glorify it, and codify it – while somehow expecting the author of life and marriage to remain silent?”

“I am not a ‘doomsday’ announcer by nature. But, I see the prophetic times in which we are living. I see the way we are turning from God and literally running in the other direction away from Him. Israel did the same thing and they eventually paid with their national sovereignty and centuries of horrific captivity in the hands of pagan nations. And it wasn’t as if God did not warn them of the judgment that would befall them if they did not repent. It seems to many biblical scholars as though we are running in the same path of that certain judgment.”