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Pat Robertson: Gay Men Out To Recruit Minors

Pat Robertson fielded a question from a “The 700 Club” viewer today who wondered what she should do about a relationship her son is having with a married man who attends her church. While the viewer didn’t specify her son’s age, besides saying that he lives at home and that she is a widow, Robertson assumed that the son was a minor and claimed that the married man was “a pedophile” who should be held accountable by church elders.

This led Robertson to launch into a larger rant about how gay men are bent on recruiting children into homosexuality.

“Her son right now doesn’t know what he wants and he doesn’t know whether he’s a homosexual or not a homosexual, but this guy is trying to talk him into that,” Robertson said. “There’s so many young people, impressionable, some coach comes after them, some adult comes after them, some older sibling comes after them, and they somehow think, ‘Because they did this I must be gay.’ Well, he doesn’t know that for sure, he doesn’t know what sexual identity he’s got.”