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Rick Wiles: Obama Will 'Slaughter Millions Of American Resistors'

On last week’s edition of “Trunews(link is external),” host Rick Wiles claimed that the U.S. is transforming into a communist country under President Obama’s leadership. And just as the leaders of communist movements in the Soviet Union and China killed dissidents and repressed religion, “the same thing is underway in America in 2015” under Obama’s “communist-inspired cultural cleansing of American society.”

“I’ve warned since 2007 that Barack Hussein Obama would overthrow this nation and impose tyranny on America, and if the Obamanistas are not stopped and removed from power very soon, they will be emboldened to take more strident actions to destroy the last remaining vestiges of America’s history,” Wiles said. “History tells us that they will separate children from parents and indoctrinate the children in the ways of the revolution. They will disarm the citizens. They will ruthlessly persecute any and all opponents. They will confiscated private property and wealth. They will destroy the careers and businesses of opponents. They will imprison those who dare to defy the revolution. They will send resistors to reeducation camps. And if all else fails to stop opposition to the Marxist revolution, they will slaughter millions of American resistors in a bloody cleansing of the general population.”

As “proof of this revolution,” Wiles claimed Obama kicked off this murderous campaign with the massacre at a Chattanooga military recruitment center, alleging that the shooter was “one of Barack Hussein Obama’s Muslim bros.”