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Right-Wing Radio Host: Gay Marriage Leads To 'Enslavement'

The right-wing outlet WorldNetDaily spoke today(link is external) to Phyllis Schlafly, the founder of Eagle Forum, and far-right talk show host Carl Gallups about the upcoming Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality. Schlafly said that people should worry about the emergence of anti-Christian “persecution” if the court decides to strike down state bans on same-sex marriage, while Gallups predicted that Christians may even face “enslavement.”

Gallups repeatedly insisted that the legalization of gay marriage will allow the government to force pastors to officiate same-sex couples’ weddings, a baseless prediction and an event that has never happened in the thirty-seven states that already have equal marriage laws.

Even worse, Gallups says, people will experience “economic destruction” unless they rise up and “take measures like our Founding Fathers took.”

Schlafly also highlighted the danger posed to private individuals and businesses because of homosexual activists looking for targets for lawsuits. And she mourns the loss of the free country she says she has lived in “all of my life.”

“Persecuting Christians … that’s not the country we live in. We have the First Amendment. We have freedom of religion. That was a basic element of American policy. And now many, many people think we are about to lose it, and Obama is doing nothing to calm their fears.”

Carl Gallups, a radio host, pastor, and author of “Final Warning: Understanding the Trumpet Days of Revelation,” is one of those people. He says American pastors may face a real test of faith.

“If the Supreme Court declares homosexual marriage to be the law of the land, pastors will have a lot of important decisions to make. If the government were to focus in on the churches and say you have to perform gay weddings or give up tax-exempt status, what will these preachers do? Will they stand on the word of God, and with the historical foundation of civilized societies, or will they cave in – in the name of financial and political expediency?”

Gallups warns what is at stake is the creation of nothing less than a new legal and religious order built upon the destruction of the First Amendment.

He maintains, “If the government can force a church to perform homosexual weddings, then in effect the First Amendment to the Constitution has been completely destroyed. At that point, the government is creating a new religion, a new state church, because they are saying what Christianity is and is not.

Gallups looks to history for examples of how Americans can resist the kind of possible “enslavement” he sees coming for Christians.

He asks believers: “When the First Amendment is gone – trampled in the dirt under our nose, and we are forced to submit to godlessness at gunpoint or economic destruction, will we roll over and put ourselves under the tyranny of those who would desire to enslave us and dominate us? Or will we take measures like our Founding Fathers took?”

He continued, “Never forget, our Founding Fathers stated in the Declaration of Independence that it was our duty to take the same stand that they took should a future ‘regime’ threaten to do to us what King George did to the colonies. Many believe that day might quickly be approaching. That’s a tough thing to consider, but I think pastors, Christians, and every freedom loving, Constitution-loving American had best consider the possibility.

“[The Founding Fathers] began with every peaceful means at their disposal, until violence was eventually threatened and inflicted upon them. At that point it came time to defend their lives, the lives of their families, church families, and neighbors – and their freedom.

“I hope and pray that this never happens. That’s why I, and so many others like me, are working fervently to restore and preserve our constitutional republic with every peaceful and prayerful means possible. Because as long as the Constitution, and especially the First Amendment, is upheld, the government cannot force us to perform a homosexual wedding – in so doing they would be establishing our religious tenants with government decree and sanction. We can easily co-exist with people of different beliefs. But once the First Amendment is gone and the government can tell people what to do in the deep matters of biblical faith that is tyranny – and that is something different altogether.”

Phyllis Schlafly does not believe it will come to anything like that because “the American people won’t put up with it.”