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Savage: Obama Paving Way For A Ban On Dogs, Acting Like Hitler On Gay Rights

On his radio program yesterday(link is external), after wondering if President Obama will begin executing his opponents(link is external), right-wing talk show host Michael Savage promoted his new book, “Government Zero: The Inside Story of the Progressive/Islamic Takeover,” along with a previous book that he wrote about his dog, Teddy.

As it turns out, the two subjects are related, as Savage claims that the “progressive/Islamic takeover” under Obama will lead to a Sharia law ban on dogs. (According to Omar Sacirbey(link is external), “while many Muslims believe scripture approves canine companions, many also believe scripture discourages Muslims from keeping dogs in their homes.”)

“Even when the communists run the country, I guess people are going to still love their dogs, unless they ban dogs,” Savage said. “You never know with the Islamism creeping into the country, there is only one religion that hates dogs. That’s an embarrassing fact, that’s an inconvenient truth. There’s only one group of people who hate dogs and he’s bringing in 100,000 of them a month.”

This led Savage to rail against Obama for making remarks supporting LGBT rights during his recent visit to Kenya: “Now he’s in Kenya lecturing his homeland about gay rights. This is beyond belief, the audacity and insanity. This guy, we have a word for it in the street that I can’t use because it’s not a family-friendly word. This guy is a crazy man.”

Savage added that the president’s comments on LGBT issues reminded him of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

Later in the program, Savage said that Obama is sounding exactly like Hitler except for his tone, leading Savage to offer his own bizarre impression of a Hitler/Obama hybrid.

“If he screamed it like Hitler, you’d say he’s a bad man, but he speaks with a forked tongue so smoothly,” he said.