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Staver: Accepting Gay Marriage Ruling Is Like Turning A Jew Over To The Nazis

In the weeks and months leading up to the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage nationwide, Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver had been a leading voice(link is external) urging other anti-gay Religious Right activists to vow to refuse to accept such a ruling and to prepare to disobey it through civil disobedience.

Since the ruling came down, just about every episode of his "Faith and Freedom" radio program has been dedicated to hammering home this message and insisting that the decision is illegitimate and cannot be obeyed, with Staver once again(link is external) declaring today(link is external) that accepting the ruling is like handing a Jew over to the Nazis.

"There is a decision that is now here," Staver warned. "It may knock on the door at different times or it may knock on the door of your friend, or your church, or your business, but it will come to your door and you're going to make a decision. It's like the Nazis coming to someone who is seeking out a Jew; you're hoping that they're not going to come but one day that knock on the door comes. And when it comes, here's the choice: Will I obey God and resist this evil opinion or will I ultimately continue in my complicit silence and just simply go along to get along?"

"If the government continues down this path," he said, "then America will not stand. It's just pure and simple. You can't just simply continue down this path of rebellion against God and assume that you're going to stand forever. You will not ... This is either the beginning of revival and renewal and perhaps revolution or its the end of this country and the end of Western Civilization. It's as pure and simple as that."

Staver went on to say that he has "wept for our country" over this decision because "it is a horrible, sinful act" and "a sinful, disgraceful rebellion against God."