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Tony Perkins: Netanyahu Defeat Could Have Ushered In The End Times

On yesterday’s edition of “Washington Watch(link is external),” Family Research Council President Tony Perkins took a call from a listener who theorized that “God put Obama in office” so that he would sign a nuclear deal with Iran and usher in the End Times. Perkins didn’t exactly agree with the caller, but did say that if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had lost his post in the country’s recent elections, “I could have seen those pieces coming together much more quickly.”

“We know that he hates America,” the caller said of Obama. “If you read the Book of Revelations, you find what is coming to happen and everything has already, as it is written, has happened except for the coming Armageddon. What he is doing now is the beginning of the end, if you ask me.”

“Clearly, depending on your eschatology, you can see the pieces coming into play,” Perkins responded. “In fact, I said prior to the Israeli election, I think had Benjamin Netanyahu lost that election, I could have seen those pieces coming together much more quickly, especially if you had a one who was more of a pacifist trying to reach some kind of deal with those that want to kill and annihilate Israel and Israelis.”

Perkins then went on to muse about what is and is not a part of God’s plan. He said that while “there is no question that God is in control,” he doesn’t think God is “punishing America by putting Barack Obama in the White House.”

“No one’s questioning whether God is in control, the question is if we are in alignment with Him, are we doing what we should be doing? And I think the clear answer to that question is no,” he said.

He gave two examples of American not being “in alignment” with God: First, the decision of lawmakers in Indiana and Arkansas to amend measures that would have permitted discrimination in the name of “religious freedom,” and second, Obama’s presidency.

Of the governors of Arkansas and Indiana, Perkins said, “in the end they were swayed more by the threat of money leaving the state…of jobs, of impact upon the economy, more than they were about what a was right and what was wrong in protecting a fundamental freedom, the freedom of religion.”

He added that Obama’s presidency also represents a turning away from God because “people voted for him based on the promises he made, not on what was best for the country but what was best for them.”