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Wayne Allyn Root: Impeach 'Traitorous' Obama

Right-wing activist Wayne Allyn Root is once(link is external) again(link is external) calling for action to remove President Obama from office, telling talk show host Dan Cofall(link is external) earlier this month that Obama must be impeached for his diplomacy with Iran, which Root deems “traitorous,” and his execution action on immigration policy.

While nearly all experts believe that the president’s executive action will cover close to five million undocumented immigrants(link is external), Root insisted that the president will “legalize 34 million.”

“If he does that, don’t we then have to do instant impeachment? I mean, there’s no choice at that point. You can’t tell me that will break the nation apart, there’s no excuse,” he said.

Today, Root used his syndicated column to continue lashing out at the president, writing a bizarre holiday-themed post(link is external) mockingly suggesting that Obama hire an Ebola-infected immigrant prepare his Thanksgiving meal:

It's almost Thanksgiving and the Christmas season is upon us. Many of us are already shopping for holiday gifts. So that inspired me to think up a holiday gift list that I hope and pray Obama receives for Christmas! Here are 15 perfect holiday gifts for Obama.

*Obama's Secret Service disarmed- since he doesn't think rest of us need guns for protection.

*Remove the fence around the White House- since Obama doesn't think we need a fence at our Southern border.

*A Christmas dinner at White House prepared and served by illegal immigrants who just arrived from the Ebola Zone- since he thinks rest of us shouldn't worry about Ebola (or illegal immigration).

*If Obama comes under withering fire from terrorists, may he call his favorite General and find him asleep with orders that he not be disturbed for the night. A little taste of the last moments of our heroes at Benghazi might be the ideal Christmas gift!

*And my last Christmas wish for Obama…

IMPEACHMENT in the New Year...prison time for fraud for every Obama aide involved in Obamacare…and a partridge in a pear tree.

Happy Holidays & God Bless everyone.