• August 13, 2018 11:10 am

    ‘Unite The Right 2’ Was A Neo-Nazi Hangout, Not A ‘White Civil Rights’ Rally

    Jason Kessler said that he didn’t want neo-Nazis at Unite the Right 2, but boy did he get them. When Kessler and his crew arrived at Lafayette Park…

  • August 14, 2018 4:00 pm

    Infowars Website Goes Dark

    …its purge. — Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) August 14, 2018 Jones posted and deleted a couple explanations for the “attack.” One of those, captured by Snopes.com reporter Bethania Palma, blamed…

  • August 23, 2018 1:48 pm

    Tucker Carlson Injected White Nationalist Propaganda into the President’s Brain

    …Brimelow. Days later, it was reported that Brimelow, who runs the white nationalist site VDare.com, had appeared as an invited guest at a birthday party for Trump’s National Economic Council…

  • August 28, 2018 1:20 pm

    Alex Jones: Donald Trump Is Now Reading Infowars ‘Every Day’

    …want him to see what I have to say, so every day he goes in and looks at the top of Infowars.com and DrudgeReport.com. So, thanks for doing that.”…

  • September 5, 2018 3:58 pm

    Conspiracy Theorists Storm Capitol Hill Tech Hearings

    Right-wing “journalist” Laura Loomer was de-verified on Twitter in 2017 after she exploded in an unhinged anti-Muslim meltdown, which prompted her to compare the site to Nazi Germany…

  • October 3, 2018 3:27 pm

    When All Else Fails in Kavanaugh Defense: Christine Blasey Ford Is ‘Deep State’

    A letter sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee is leading right-wing conspiracy theorists to believe that Christine Blasey Ford, who has alleged that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh…

  • October 5, 2018 2:28 pm

    Donald Trump Channels Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theory to Explain Kavanaugh Opposition

    Right-wing figures, including now President Donald Trump, have taken to blaming George Soros, the hedge-fund billionaire who supports liberal groups and causes, for the controversy surrounding Supreme Court…

  • October 23, 2018 6:55 pm

    Soros Targeted for Violence as Trump and Right Wing Wield Explosive Rhetoric

    The New York Times reports that yesterday, George Soros received a very special kind of package delivered to his mailbox at his home in Katonah, N.Y. It was…

  • November 7, 2018 11:44 am

    We Were Promised a Red Tsunami

    In the weeks leading up to the midterm elections, the polling largely suggested that Democrats were likely to win control of the House of Representatives while Republicans were…

  • November 14, 2018 11:33 pm

    Matt Heimbach Makes His National Socialist Movement Debut at Little Rock Rally

    …Wall Network maintains an active presence in the state, and Arkansas hosts active chapters of the Klu Klux Klan. (Screenshot / Twitter.com via News2Share’s Ford Fischer) After their rally, members…

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