• December 4, 2009 6:34 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers

    In a video released by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Sarah Palin says the United States should rededicate itself to seeking God’s will. You can see the…

  • October 30, 2009 5:24 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers

    CNS News: The U.S. Catholic bishops have told the pastors of all the Catholic churches in America to insert a flyer in their church bulletin and read…

  • October 27, 2009 1:16 pm

    The Big Con: How Matt Barber Swindled Me Out of $30

    Yesterday, I wrote a post taking issue with right-wing outlets that were claiming that people were giving Matt Barber’s new book, “The Right Hook: From The Ring To…

  • October 22, 2009 1:41 pm

    Everybody’s a Comedian

    It seems that the Religious Right is taking time out from holding press conferences warning that healthcare reform will force women to abort their children in favor of…

  • October 6, 2009 5:38 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers

    LifeNews: The man who allegedly shot and killed pro-life advocate James Pouillon and a local businessman last month has been declared mentally incompetent to stand trial. AP:…

  • September 25, 2009 5:45 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers

    Michele Bachmann action figures – get ’em while they’re hot. Politico: Tonight, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and his wife Callista Gingrich host the premiere of…

  • September 25, 2009 12:30 pm

    Bauer: Planned Parenthood Needs The ACORN Treatment

    Gary Bauer calls on conservatives to do to Planned Parenthood what they have done to ACORN: For James O’Keefe, the sequel has been a blockbuster. As almost everyone…

  • September 24, 2009 5:30 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers

    Randall Terry and company are now targeting the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Freedom Foundation of Texas has received Focus on the Family Action’s “Family…

  • September 22, 2009 5:45 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers

    CQ: Chip Pickering’s otherwise dormant CHIP PAC made a donation of $5,000 to Haley Barbour’s PAC on Aug. 15 — four days after Barbour’s PAC gave $5,000…

  • September 2, 2009 10:22 am

    Perkins and Vitter Tag-Team The Town Hall

    Last week we posted on the toolkit that the Family Research Council was distributing to its members urging them to organize town hall events in opposition to healthcare…

  • Showing results 1,361 - 1,370 of 1,967