• January 22, 2009 5:32 pm

    The Right Gets Spooked By the Specter of Nonbelievers

    …make this point clear: “It struck me as accurate,” [Richard] Land told CNSNews.com. “We are a nation of Christians and Jews, and Muslims and Hindus, and Baha’i and agnostics and…

  • November 24, 2008 4:51 pm

    Prop 8 Proponents Try to Distance Themselves From Their Allies

    …launching an all-out attack against the Supreme Court for accepting the challenge to Prop. 8, a court decision Pugno and others from ProtectMarriage.com had welcomed. “If the court disobeys the…

  • November 12, 2008 3:31 pm

    The Atheists Are Coming!

    …Council (FRC), told CNSNews.com that sustainable morality is grounded in a belief in a higher being. “I don’t think it’s possible to sustain long-term morality without religion,” Sprigg said. “If…

  • November 5, 2008 3:17 pm

    The Right’s Muted Response to Their Anti-Gay Victories

    …because I don’t know what to say about it, but because they don’t seem to know what to say about it. As of this writing, aside from ProtectMarriage.com thanking supporters…

  • August 26, 2008 12:34 pm

    The One-Sided Battle Rages On

    …would try to get a few last jabs in, sitting down with CNSNews and bad-mouthing Romney for, of all things, enforcing the law: In an exclusive video interview with CNSNews.com,…

  • July 23, 2008 3:54 pm

    Of Course He Does

    …CNS reports on Republicans who support maintaining the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy: “Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) told CNSNews.com, ‘Current policy has served us well. I think we ought…

  • February 14, 2008 1:47 pm

    The Internets Hate John McCain

    …anti-John McCain Web sites is so stiff that those looking to register new ones say the best names have been snatched up already … At last check, StopMcCain.com, NoWayMcCain.com, Conservatives…

  • January 29, 2008 10:06 am

    Huckabee Hearts GodTube

    …Kirk Cameron-approved advice on “How to Witness to Someone Who’s Gay,” is getting into politics: GodTube.com, the website which set the record as the #1 fastest growing website in the…

  • November 30, 2007 6:40 pm

    ‘Patriot Pastors’ … for Huckabee?

    …Pastors” act to the Iowa caucuses: Beginning December 6, Vision America will be joining forces with RedeemtheVote.com in an effort to mobilize thousands of Values Voters all over Iowa as…

  • September 17, 2007 2:24 pm

    Human Events, CNS, and the Media Research Center

    …to join CNSNews.com. Its ability to debunk liberal bias by delivering legitimate news is unsurpassed. I look forward to seizing new opportunities to perpetuate the mission of Cybercast News Service…

  • Showing results 1,521 - 1,530 of 1,967