• March 12, 2012 5:54 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 3/12/12

    PFAW: Unbridled Republican Obstruction Forces Extraordinary Action on Judicial Nominees. Steve Benen @ Maddow Blog: Tilting at Dutch windmills. Alan Colmes: Florida Pastor Supporting Santorum To Call…

  • March 13, 2012 5:41 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers – 3/13/12

    Focus on the Family will reportedly “build a coalition to back a constitutional amendment prohibiting state government from interfering with the religious freedom of a person or…

  • March 13, 2012 5:54 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 3/13/12

    PFAW Edit Memo: Debunking the GOP’s Spin on Judicial Obstruction. Marge Baker @ Huffington Post: Whatever It Is, They’re Against It: Health Care, the Courts and the…

  • March 14, 2012 5:35 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers – 3/14/12

    Rick Santorum won primaries last night in Alabama and Mississippi. But Newt Gingrich and his massive ego don’t appear to care and so he is vowing to…

  • March 14, 2012 5:45 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 3/14/12

    PFAW: As Senate Cuts Deal to Move Some Judicial Nominees, PFAW Urges GOP to End Partisan Obstruction. GLAAD: GLAAD launches Commentator Accountability Project. Good As You: And…

  • March 15, 2012 5:38 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers – 3/15/12

    Needless to say, the Religious Right is not pleased with GLAAD’s new Commentator Accountability Project, as Peter LaBarbera specifically blames us for taking “quotations from pro-family leaders…

  • March 15, 2012 5:49 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 3/15/12

    PFAW: Senate Confirms Groh and Fitzgerald; Votes Should be the Norm, Not the Exception. Kevin Drum: Hispanics Hate the Republican Party. Markos @ Daily Kos: Santorum tells…

  • March 16, 2012 5:33 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers – 3/16/12

    Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom Coalition aims to register 115,000 voters in Virginia for the November election. James Robison says “there is no question we are living…

  • March 16, 2012 5:46 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 3/16/12

    Towleroad: Rachel Maddow Throws Down with Senator Inhofe About His Ties to Anti-Gay Evangelism in Africa. Rachel Tabachnick @ Talk To Action: Inhofe To Maddow: Never Heard…

  • March 19, 2012 5:41 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers – 3/19/12

    FRC weighs in on the verdict in the Tyler Clementi and uses it to attack “pro-homosexual activists [who] would exploit the personal tragedies of these families to…

  • Showing results 1,611 - 1,620 of 1,967