• January 3, 2014 6:35 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 1/3/14

    Matt Gertz @ Media Matters: Fox’s Benghazi Expert Endorsed Assassinating Obama Last Week. Josh Marshall @ TPM: Right Facing New Unskewing Crisis? Steve Benen @ The Maddow…

  • February 3, 2014 6:31 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers – 2/3/14

    Nothing make the Right rally around someone they hate faster than seeing that person “attacked” by the media, which explains why Chris Christie has suddenly been invited…

  • February 3, 2014 6:35 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 2/3/14

    Patrick Caldwell @ Mother Jones: Meet the Next Michele Bachmann. Sarah Posner @ Religion Dispatches: Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ (Biblical) Education. Dave Weigel: Coca-Cola Baits Allen West With…

  • March 4, 2014 6:31 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers – 3/4/14

    Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear will hire outside attorneys after the attorney general announced he wouldn’t appeal a decision granting legal recognition to same-sex couples married in other…

  • March 4, 2014 6:34 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 3/4/14

    David Ferguson @ Raw Story: Texas Republican official: Founding fathers would never allow ‘sodomites’ to marry. David Badash @ The New Civil Rights Movement: As Regnerus Testifies…

  • March 5, 2014 6:30 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers – 3/5/14

    Phyllis Schlafly is locked in a copyright battle over her last name with her own nephew. Speaking of Schlafly, she continues to warn that “if we admit…

  • March 5, 2014 6:34 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 3/5/14

    Jeremy Hooper: GOP Reps thrilled to receive award from America’s two most anti-LGBT organizations. Nathaniel Frank @ Slate: The Shamelessness of Professor Mark Regnerus. Hannah Groch-Begley @…

  • March 6, 2014 6:30 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers – 3/6/14

    Matt Barber says that polls showing increasing support for marriage equality are due to “leftists’ propaganda.” Harry Jackson warns that Christians are “signing away our religious freedom.”…

  • March 6, 2014 6:33 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 3/6/14

    David Edwards @ Raw Story: Paul Ryan at CPAC: Free school lunches mean poor parents don’t care about kids. Warren Throckmorton: The Signed Contract That Helped Get…

  • March 7, 2014 6:25 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers – 3/7/14

    Fox News loves Chris Christie. Media Research Center spokesman Dan Gainor says liberals are “determined to ruin sports so that they can have forced celebration of all…

  • Showing results 1,711 - 1,720 of 1,967