• March 28, 2014 5:34 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 3/28/14

    Luke Brinker @ Equality Matters: Extreme Anti-Gay Group Is Hosting “An Evening With Erick Erickson.” Josh Glasstetter @ Hatewatch: Glenn McConnell Appeared on White Nationalist Radio Show,…

  • March 31, 2014 5:31 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers – 3/31/14

    Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas will deliver the keynote address at Liberty University’s Convocation on Wednesday. This is a phrase that ought to automatically disqualify anyone who…

  • March 31, 2014 5:37 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 3/31/14

    Ben Dooley @ Mother Jones: Who’s Behind Newsweek? Charles Johnson @ LGF: Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM) Dumps Loony Right Wing Hate-Blogger After Outcry. David Edwards @ Raw…

  • April 3, 2014 5:30 pm

    Right Wing Leftovers – 4/3/14

    Just because the claim that President Obama has surrendered control over the internet has been repeatedly debunked, that is not going to stop Liberty Counsel from repeating…

  • April 3, 2014 5:34 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 4/3/14

    Arturo Garcia @ Raw Story: Nun tells NC high schoolers: Masturbation and ‘lack of masculinity’ make you gay. Media Matters: Fox’s Allen West Links Obama Comment On…

  • June 3, 2014 5:30 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 6/3/14

    Opponents of an Islamic Center in Tennessee have lost their effort to shut it down after the Supreme Court refused to hear their case. Bryan Fischer awaits…

  • June 3, 2014 5:32 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 6/3/14

    David Edwards @ Raw Story: E.W. Jackson rips LGBT people at Rand Paul event: ‘Something wrong on the inside.’ Hannah Groch-Begley @ Media Matters: Calling Out Ideologically…

  • July 3, 2014 3:04 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 7/3/14

    Erik Rush says that “for all intents and purposes, Barack Obama is ISIS. Apparently, the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision was a win for women. FRC praises…

  • July 3, 2014 3:07 pm

    Right Wing Round-Up – 7/3/14

    Paul @ PFAW Blog: Another Damaging Supreme Court Term. David Edwards @ Raw Story: Ron Paul and Newsmax: Hospitals are ‘under siege by immigrants’ who might have…

  • September 3, 2014 5:30 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 9/3/14

    Concerned Women for America and Mike Huckabee are organizing a “Stand With Israel Rally.” After he retires from the Senate in a few months, Sen. Tom Coburn…

  • Showing results 1,751 - 1,760 of 1,967