• December 11, 2014 2:10 pm

    Anti-Immigrant Protests A Bust, Again

    Earlier this month, Rep. Michele Bachmann utterly failed to organize a Tea Party uprising against President Obama’s executive action on immigration, as what she hoped would be a…

  • December 22, 2014 6:30 pm

    Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 12/2214

    …shared goal: the destruction of America.” Finally, Theodore Shoebat takes to Barbwire.com to declare that “the homosexual agenda must be destroyed, and Christian civilization must triumph over this darkness.”…

  • January 7, 2015 5:13 pm

    Rafael Cruz Joins Religious Right Group In Effort To Repeal Plano Nondiscrimination Ordinance

    Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, spoke at a press conference in Plano, Texas, today on behalf of an effort to repeal that city’s LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination ordinance….

  • January 13, 2015 4:37 pm

    President Obama ‘Is The Face Of Islam In America’

    …On today’s “Pray In Jesus Name” program, Gordon Klingenschmitt interviewed Bill Warner, who runs the website PoliticalIslam.com, to get his thoughts about last week’s terrorist attack in Paris. Eventually…

  • January 21, 2015 1:30 pm

    Mike Huckabee Falsely Claims Ted Nugent Changed The Lyrics To Sexually Explicit Song They Performed Together

    …fact, anyone who watches a video of the performance can see that Nugent didn’t change any of the song’s explicit lyrics as Huckabee accompanied him: Lyrics via metrolyrics.com. Well I…

  • January 22, 2015 11:23 am

    Anti-Choice Activists Furious About GOP’s Reversal On 20-Week Abortion Ban

    Yesterday, Republican leaders in the House decided to pull a plan to vote on a national ban on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy after Republican women balked…

  • January 28, 2015 12:30 pm

    ‘Response’ Endorser: Antichrist Spirits At Right Wing Watch ‘Verbally Crucified’ Bobby Jindal

    …“giving them credibility they do not deserve.” Slate assumed The Response was “part of the rollout for Jindal’s inevitable presidential run.” And opednews.com claimed: “Jindal’s ‘Response’ a No-Go Zone for…

  • January 28, 2015 1:20 pm

    Roy Moore, 2002: Homosexuality Is An Evil, Abhorrent And Destructive ‘Criminal Lifestyle’

    …a long history of virulent anti-gay activism . His hostility to gay people has also played a role in his time on the bench. As AL.com columnist Kyle Whitmore noted…

  • January 30, 2015 12:07 pm

    National Right To Life Targeting GOP Congresswomen Who Objected To Abortion Ban’s Rape Provision

    …the slaughter of abortion to continue, you will hear from pro-life voters loudly and clearly at the polls”: In an email to supporters that LifeNews.com received titled “Elected Officials Who…

  • January 30, 2015 3:51 pm

    Paranoia-Rama: Satan’s ‘Homosexual Agenda,’ Obama’s Deadly Secrets And Sarah Palin ‘Exposes’ Fox News

    …his RedState.com email list to questionable sponsors who prey on the conspiracy-minded and science-averse. According to Media Matters, one email to Erickson’s list claimed that the federal government is suppressing…

  • Showing results 331 - 340 of 1,967