• August 1, 2018 6:05 pm

    YourVoice America Host: ‘I Pissed Off A Trump’ When I Doubted QAnon Conspiracy

    Brenden Dilley, a host on YourVoice America and a QAnon truther on YouTube, claimed today that a member of the Trump family had confirmed to him that the…

  • August 13, 2018 3:40 am

    ‘Unite the Right 2’: Private Train Car, Police Escort for 20 Racist Extremists

    When white nationalist Jason Kessler announced he would convene a rally in Washington, D.C.’s Lafayette Park, the logistics and operational experts in at least four different law enforcement…

  • August 13, 2018 3:37 pm

    Alex Jones: Serviced By PayPal, Despite Obvious Terms Of Service Violations

    Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who created Infowars, has finally been given the boot from major social media platforms after years of public outcry and our reporting. But the…

  • August 15, 2018 4:48 pm

    Paul Nehlen Defeated In Wisconsin Primary

    Paul Nehlen might be an anti-Semite and a white nationalist, but he won’t be the next Republican representative elected to serve in Congress by the people of Wisconsin….

  • August 16, 2018 11:04 am

    Megan Barth: Was Omarosa Working For NBC While Taping White House Conversations?

    …she secretly recorded conversations with other White House staff. Barth, the proprietor of the website ReaganBabe.com, told host Perry Atkinson that she suspected that Manigault Newman had been “coached” to…

  • August 16, 2018 1:14 pm

    YouTube Retracts Strikes From Stefan Molyneux’s Account

    Libertarian pseudo-philosopher turned far-right political pundit Stefan Molyneux received two strikes on his YouTube account for violating community content guidelines, but after fans pressured the site, YouTube reversed…

  • August 21, 2018 7:03 pm

    White Supremacist Peter Brimelow Invited to White House Advisor Kudlow’s Birthday Party

    …home. Kudlow told Costa that he knows Brimelow “forever” as a financial journalist and nothing more. Brimelow runs the white-identitarian website, Vdare.com, which promotes the views of outright white nationalists,…

  • August 24, 2018 11:20 am

    [UPDATED] University of Iowa TPUSA Board Resigns, Accusing National Leaders of Exploiting the Death of Mollie Tibbetts

    UPDATE: After Right Wing Watch reported that the executive board of the University of Iowa chapter of Turning Point USA had resigned in protest of what an unsigned…

  • September 18, 2018 5:10 pm

    ‘Alt-Right’ Figures Attacked An Event Organizer Who Wouldn’t Meet Their Demands

    …she declined to accommodate his panel. (Screenshot / Twitter.com via Web Archive) “By now, I knew he had been at Charlottesville and had been involved in that Unite the Right…

  • September 12, 2018 1:52 pm

    Rep. Steve King Quotes a White Supremacist While Comparing ‘Leftists’ to Nazis

    Rep. Steve King of Iowa promoted a white supremacist on his Twitter account—again. King wrote that the word “Nazi” is “injected into Leftist talking points because the worn…

  • Showing results 501 - 510 of 1,967