• January 24, 2019 11:07 am

    Gematria, Professional Wrestling, and Trump’s Biblical Border Wall

    Right-wing commentator Christopher McDonald dedicated a recent episode of his “The Mc Files” program to explaining how gematria can expose the deep state’s practice of using brainwashing and…

  • January 25, 2019 12:36 pm

    Roger Stone–Trump’s ‘Last Man Standing’–Snared by Mueller Investigation, Suspects Jerome Corsi to Blame

    Roger Stone, a longtime GOP operative and associate of President Donald Trump, was arrested at his Florida home this morning following a grand jury indictment on one count…

  • January 25, 2019 2:15 pm

    Bill Mitchell: Democrats Want to Increase Human Misery Because ‘They Hate Mankind and They Hate Themselves’

    On last night’s “YourVoice America” program, ardent pro-Trump commentator and right-wing conspiracy theorist Bill Mitchell declared that every policy proposal put forth by Democrats is designed to increase…

  • January 28, 2019 2:03 pm

    Christopher McDonald: ‘God Is Using President Trump to Liberate This Country From Spiritual Slavery’

    Right-wing commentator Christopher McDonald streamed a video on Periscope yesterday in which he grew increasingly emotional as he discussed what he believes is God’s plan to use President…

  • January 29, 2019 11:44 am

    John Kilpatrick: Trump’s Border Wall Is a ‘Done Deal’ Because it was Prophesied in 2007

    Right-wing pastor John Kilpatrick appeared on “The Jim Bakker Show” today, where he declared that President Trump’s proposed border wall is a “done deal” because it was supposedly…

  • January 29, 2019 2:10 pm

    Outside Roger Stone’s Hearing, There Was a Circus

    Roger Stone, a longtime GOP operative and former campaign adviser for President Donald Trump, arrived at the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., this morning for an arraignment…

  • January 29, 2019 2:50 pm

    Bill Mitchell: Sen. Kyrsten Sinema ‘Looks Like Some Sort of Hooker’

    On last night’s “YourVoice America” program, ardent pro-Trump commentator and right-wing conspiracy theorist Bill Mitchell suggested that President Trump didn’t want Republicans to retain control of the House…

  • January 30, 2019 11:28 am

    Liz Crokin Says She’ll ‘Have to Bow Out’ of QAnon Movement if ‘Mass Arrests Don’t Happen This Year’

    Right-wing “journalist” and Trump–worshiping conspiracy theorist Liz Crokin has been an ardent proponent of the QAnon/The Storm conspiracy theory for several years, and has long been promising that…

  • January 30, 2019 4:18 pm

    Shari Wassell and Chris McDonald Say White MAGA Christians are Just Like Victims of Jim Crow Segregation

    During yesterday’s edition of “The MC Files” program, host Christopher McDonald and guest Shari Wassell asserted that “it is the 50s and 60s all over again” in America,…

  • February 1, 2019 11:13 am

    Chris McDonald: Obama’s Call for ‘New Blood’ in Politics was Coded ‘Pedophilia Talk’

    On last night’s edition of “The Mc Files” program, host Christopher McDonald and guest Mark Taylor, the so-called “firefighter prophet,” asserted that a recent speech delivered by Barack…

  • Showing results 561 - 570 of 1,967