• March 29, 2019 2:23 pm

    ‘Justice Is Coming’: Mark Taylor Issues An Alarming Prophecy

    Mark Taylor, the so-called “firefighter prophet,” issued a genuinely alarming “prophecy” yesterday in which he proclaimed that President Trump will start to imprison and execute his critics in…

  • April 1, 2019 11:59 am

    Dave Janda: Stock up on Food, Water and Weapons in Preparation for Declassification

    Right-wing conspiracy theorist and radio host Dave Janda appeared on Greg Hunter’s “USA Watchdog” program over the weekend, where he urged viewers to stock up on supplies and…

  • April 2, 2019 11:18 am

    Rick Wiles Goes on Anti-Semitic Rant Against Right Wing Watch and ‘Hollywood’s Jewish Cabal’

    On Friday, we wrote a post noting that Donald Trump Jr. had given an in-person interview to the radical End Times conspiracy theory network TruNews, which had been…

  • April 2, 2019 11:41 am

    Right-Wing Lawmakers from Around the World to Gather in Colombia to Address ‘Crisis of Civilization’

    …with the Spanish-language arm of the conservative Catholic network EWTN. The Political Network for Values is among conservative sites that reportedly use a crowd-funding site, Fundingmorality.com, which was designed for…

  • April 3, 2019 11:05 am

    Cory Daniel: New Zealand Muslim Massacre Was an Illuminati Plot to ‘Take White People Down’

    Supposed “political occultist expert” Cory Daniel declared on a recent episode of Chris McDaniel’s “The MC Files” program that the recent murder of 50 Muslims in New Zealand…

  • April 4, 2019 10:28 am

    Jesse Lee Peterson Blames the Election of a Lesbian Mayor on Letting Women Vote Without Male Oversight

    Right-wing commentator Jesse Lee Peterson reacted to the news that a lesbian had been elected as mayor of Chicago by blaming what he views as an unfortunate outcome…

  • April 4, 2019 3:47 pm

    At Salem Media, Kurt Schlichter’s Violent Rhetoric is ‘Christian and Family-Themed Content’

    Salem Media Group is a national media company that includes on its website for investors and advertisers that the company is “targeting audiences interested in Christian and family-themed…

  • April 5, 2019 11:42 am

    Josh Bernstein: Congress Should Appoint a Special Counsel to Determine if Joe Biden is ‘Possibly a Pedophile’

    Right-wing commentator Josh Bernstein posted a video today in which he called on Congress to launch a special counsel investigation to determine if Joe Biden might be “possibly…

  • April 8, 2019 11:05 am

    ‘White Goat Cross’: Cory Daniel Exposes the Occult Ritual Behind Nipsey Hussle’s Murder

    Friday’s episode of “The MC Files” program once again featured “political occultist expert” Cory Daniel, who was on hand to explain the occult symbolism that was supposedly behind…

  • April 8, 2019 2:01 pm

    Racism In America Is Not Real, But Discrimination Against Trump Supporters Is

    On Friday night’s episode of his “YourVoice America” program, ardent pro-Trump commentator and right-wing conspiracy theorist Bill Mitchell insisted, once again, that racism is not a problem in…

  • Showing results 631 - 640 of 1,967