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Anti-Gay Extremists Unite to Denounce US Embassy for Backing Czech LGBT Pride Festival

The US Embassy in the Czech Republic, as part of the State Department’s new LGBT rights initiative, is supporting a pride festival(link is external) in Prague “to address discriminatory behavior based on sexual orientation and to promote a tolerant civil society and equal opportunities in the Czech Republic.” Already(link is external) irate(link is external) over(link is external) Secretary(link is external) Hillary(link is external) Clinton’s(link is external) speech(link is external) on(link is external) LGBT(link is external) rights(link is external), American Religious Right activists joined their European, African and Latin American allies to denounce the Obama administration for “aggressively promoting the ‘gay’ agenda internationally” and leading a campaign of “cultural imperialism” [PDF(link is external)]:

At the directive of the president of the United States, Washington is aggressively promoting the “gay’’ agenda internationally, including same-sex “marriage” and the stigmatization and marginalization of any who object to the same.

The Obama’s administration’s embrace of “same-sex marriage” has been overwhelmingly rejected by the American people. There have been 32 state referenda on marriage. In every one of them, voters endorsed the natural definition of marriage (a man and a woman). The North Carolina vote, on May 8, was 61% in favor of natural marriage.

It stands to reason, then, that anything which undermines the family – including changing the definition of marriage – is a breach of the State’s responsibility to protect this indispensable institution which precedes government and makes a stable and free society possible.

The Madrid Declaration of World Congress of Families VI (May 25-27, 2012) --which was unanimously adopted by more than 3,200 delegates from 72 countries --provides, in part: “We affirm the natural family to be the union of a man and a woman through marriage for the purposes of sharing love and joy, propagating children, providing their moral education, building a vital home economy, offering security in times of trouble, and binding the generations.”

Regarding “gay rights,” those caught up in this lifestyle have the same rights as other citizens. This does not include the “right” to force others to validate a lifestyle they find objectionable, for religious or other reasons. It also does not include the right of men to marry men and women to marry women.

The foregoing pseudo-rights do not advance human freedom and dignity but debase them.

We can not imagine a worse form of cultural imperialism than Washington trying to force approval of the “gay” agenda on societies with traditional values.

The list of signatories is mighty long, including former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay(link is external); Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver(link is external) and Matt Barber(link is external); American Family Association’s Tim Wildmon(link is external); Catholic League’s Bill Donohue(link is external); Vision America’s Rick Scarborough(link is external); Rabbi Daniel Lapin(link is external); American Civil Rights Union’s Robert Knight(link is external); Concerned Women for America’s Janice Shaw Crouse(link is external); Pastor Jim Garlow(link is external); WND’s David Kupelian(link is external); TFP’s C. Preston Noell III(link is external); conservative activist Richard Viguerie(link is external); World Congress of Families’ Don Feder(link is external); Media Research Center’s Brent Bozell(link is external); Traditional Values Coalition’s Louis Sheldon(link is external) and Andrea Lafferty(link is external); and the Southern Baptist Convention’s Paige Peterson(link is external).

Other activists like Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality(link is external), Scott Lively of Defend the Family International(link is external) and Sharon Slater of Family Watch International(link is external) are also among the signatories, as is Mission America’s Linda Harvey(link is external), who believes people should refuse care(link is external) for themselves and their children from openly gay doctors and nurses:

Another signatory was Yehuda Levin has claimed that gay marriage caused last year’s D.C. earthquake(link is external) and linked gay rights to the 9/11 attacks, Hurricane Katrina, the Tsunami and the 2010 Haiti earthquake(link is external):

The list even included former chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, who performs gay exorcisms(link is external):