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Chris McDonald and Mark Taylor Agreed That Hurricane Dorian Is a 'False Flag'

On last night's episode(link is external) of his "The MC Files" program, radical(link is external) conspiracy(link is external) theorist(link is external) Chris McDonald and his guest, fellow radical(link is external) right-wing(link is external) conspiracy(link is external) theorist(link is external) and so-called “firefighter prophet(link is external)” Mark Taylor, agreed that Hurricane Dorian is a "false flag" created by the "deep state" supposedly in order to distract Americans from the fact that former FBI director James Comey and other high-level members of the Obama administration will all be going to prison.

McDonald insisted that it was not a coincidence that just as the news was focused on the fact that even though the Department of Justice had decided not to prosecute(link is external) Comey for leaking memos chronicling his conversations with President Trump, the president and his associates were suggesting(link is external) that Comey's legal troubles were not over, when suddenly everyone turned their attention to the hurricane.

"When you get these stories and all of a sudden—boom—you've got an almost Category 6 storm," McDonald said(link is external), "it does not take a genius to figure out it's called a distraction and it's called a false flag."

"Absolutely, brother," agreed Taylor. "These guys are going to be indicted, they are going to go to jail, they are going to go to prison so it's coming, guys, we just have to be patient. But it's not by coincidence that the hordes of chaos have been released because they know their time is short."

"This is one of the most dangerous times right now for us," Taylor added, "because this is war. That hurricane right there, that is a declaration of war against the people. What do the shootings and these hurricanes and all of these things that are being generated, what does it have to do [with]? It has to do with one thing in particular: the same thing Hitler did in London, England, during The Blitz(link is external). They are literally trying to kill the will of man."